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<br />---., .
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<br />. 'lbe regJiia.reemi"lIIPl'!thly meettng~or~hi EikRiv~r ,viuage-COUpcii ot., the, .
<br />Village ot Elk liver was called to order by Mayor Bartelt on Ju}-y 6, 197q,
<br />in the Council Room ot the Village Ottice Building at 7:30 pm, members were
<br />.present a8 tolloWl': ~rBartelt.,~uneilaen Hudson, Syring, Hieheau and Konop.
<br />
<br />
<br />- .. .. . .
<br />'!he minutes ot the June 15, 1970 arid June 30,,1970 J.Dee~ings. we~ !'ead. No
<br />add tions or corrections. . .
<br />
<br />, ! ~
<br />.~ ;. , .~. .
<br />Moved .by Councilman Syring and seconde.d by Co;un~ilman Hu.dsop, ,to a~cept the .
<br />preliminery>engin,~rUgreport. for the paving of the .s;1.1ey in.~oclc, ~ ot: ~~
<br />Villa.gej.ot~ Elk Ri..er.,:.J{QtioD: unuQ.noualy' carriC!Jd...,
<br />
<br />~.".._:''''; _L r . ._l. .
<br />
<br />L1J1D,Heore; ~ repreaen.ta ting themti".r ~&1cees, rep9rted pn, the 2m annu81,
<br />eanoarace to be. held at.. 200 pIIl,~&7 .A~g. ,9t.h,and:r.equested. permi~.ion to
<br />use Orono Park as a starting point and to po~~getro~-'t.heYo~kAY8nue boat
<br />landing to the West side ot the Main Street Bridge aM that possibly wlunteer
<br />" .firemen and the-.loc.:J,.P91icecould.. protect~ttl1;L8port.,age.
<br />
<br />, Si.," -' t -'., ' , -?,.
<br />Ir'nie thielkeLasked-, tQJ:' .anSwers on several- ques~ion.s c~ce..mng part-tile
<br />employees, sick pay and etc. The clerk was instructed to obtaip.a copy ot
<br />the union contract.
<br />
<br />:.:' it>..
<br />
<br />;";,""
<br />
<br />Duke Grosslein representat~ Grosslein~age8"entered_a complaint -on the
<br />Ro Truck Parking regula tion, causing a inconvenience tor unloading at the
<br />Main Tap. ..His. trucker has to ,weelthe _rchand~e ahQut a, blocku1ther.eis
<br />no access. tathe 're~r ent-ran,ce ot .this .e.~abl1spment. He requested so.' con-
<br />sideration tor a 15 minute unloading zone. .
<br />
<br />.. .
<br />:: '\.i,'.'> .~.~ LI. t" ~. ".""" ,'''. ",~.~,.;",_:.',- ",:.J ,:'"
<br />: .At: 8~;OO 18, ,the' Pub;u.~;, Hearing onpaYingt.he,al;J.ey.in, ,lllock2.. otthe.Village
<br />ot Elk JiiYer,conven~Iwu.U"'.:i:-Us..1n.a~tendanee'. Ipter~s~,d, ~perty.
<br />owners in attendance were Duke Grosslein, Abe Johnson am.Cyril~...eier.
<br />Discussion tollowedon the problem of drainage. Kills reported it' could be
<br />permanently solved by a larger .~o~ sewer syst.~. Economi,ca1lY'f liIOuldbe
<br />to extend the present 8 inch storm sewer and place another catch basin. lbe
<br />estimated cost, price is high because ot,t~ _allnass ot the. project, am we
<br />could save by: ~t1ng until we have a street paving project which WOuld redw:e
<br />the unit cost.. . ,..
<br />
<br />. ',' . ,
<br />Agreeable by,tpe property owners in at~end.~ce, that therEt~s no,urgency and
<br />that the projept could just as well be postponed until nextye&r or when there
<br />will be a stre~t\paving project. It wasalse suggested. that to ge~ a better
<br />solution as m ,$a drainage, would be tobave Les Derr. vatchthe &,rea closely
<br />during a heav. ~in.
<br />
<br />Moved by CoU'n:eilman. Hudson andsec~ed b7:.Councilman'~ Syring, to.t.~ble the
<br />proposed alley. paving project in Block 2 ,ot the Vj.l1age()t _Elk.,airer. Motion
<br />un&lli.nous1y~arr1_~. .,
<br />
<br />The Public HeariN adjourned.
<br />