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<br />The decision on the Elk River Fire Department's proposal ot changing the policy <br />ot residencet:ortiremen in~ t~evi1l88e _stabled:. '. fd-;-.- .' .: <br /> <br />rO...... <br />" <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />Harry Dreissig requested that Article nIl ot the Elk River Fire Department By-Laws <br />be aJaended to change the policy ot residence tor tiremen in the village. <br /> <br />Jerrr Wegoner made application tor renewal ot his 3.2 on and ort sale beer licenses <br />at Main Tap. Discussion tollowed with Earl Bohlen who wamed that in the tuture, <br />all the places will be closely watched tor violations. () <br /> <br />Moved by Councilman Syring and seconded by Councilman Hudson, to grant the renewal <br />ot the on and. ott sale 3.2 beer licenses at the Main Tap. Motion unsminously carried. <br /> <br />Discussion with Earl Hohlen regarding the problem ot trucks unloading merchandise <br />at the Main Tap. 'Agreeable to aIlew "15 minute ti'11ck u.nl6adingIt1n'tl'Ont ot this <br />establishment. .. ~ LI..I)W . _ . . <br /> <br />'!he applications tor a street maintenance man were reviewed... . Ilk'River residents, <br />Floyd Stromberg, '1homas Lindahl and Timothy Whitney, will be called in tor inter- <br />views oni}iursd.q, July 9, 1970., " ' " <br /> <br />Ernie Thiellce I s complaint a~ut Earl HohlEl1 repri1landing his ottsale clerk resu},ting <br />in the clerks resignation was discussed with Bohlen. Hohlen re-ported that he 8'aggested <br />tb-ethe clerk not to. sell liquor to this particular customer.: - .1bat he did.:not repri- <br />mand the clerk, but advised. hill ot thi. cuStomers Past reco'rd and that.then were <br />minors in bis autolllObile. It appears that there was a slight lack ot cODlllunication <br />between Hohlen and 1hielke in regarcl to this incident and' that Bohlen'fts acting in <br />good taith. Hohlen will continue' his survelance ot the liquor store; With 'Thielke <br />being' made knowledgeable 'or thie. . <br /> <br />Earl Hohlen and Ronald'DeRosier could see no problem in allowing the canoe race to <br />be held on August 9th by the Jaycees, to portage between tile York Avenue boat <br />landing down Main 'Street and into the river on' the .do1ft1Stream ;side'ot the Main <br />Street Bridge.' t; <br /> <br />Hohlen presented a shitt planning 'schedule whereby the two part-time. police <br />otticers would work a total of 48- hours per Week.:.:.'H81d _ in abe;yance.>; c.' <br /> <br />-->. c.; ,. .'';' .... ,..... <br /> <br />Moved by Councilman Hudson and _ seconded by Councilman Syring, directing the Village <br />Clerk to transmit to the State: Departillent ot Conservat:ion,:'a. "letter; 01' :tntentlf ot <br />fiood"plains, !OO comply withtheprov1si-ons-ot Laws 1<]69, Chapter. 590. Hotion <br />UD81'Iiinouslycarried. ,. . f . . ';T <br /> <br />'!be folloldltg bills were approved tor payment: p' <br /> <br />-; Linda Swan <br />John: GlJuted <br />Ethel lfac Gregor <br />Kenneth Van Patten <br />Harvey Richner <br />U S Post Office <br />AI Baumgartner . <br />Elk River Pub. Library <br />Svend80D Signs, Inc. <br />No Central Pub. Serve <br />E.!. Hun. Utilities <br />.We~ers Texaco' Serv. <br />Elk River Conaeo <br />Earls Welding Supply <br />Elk River Hardware <br />NW Bell Tele Co <br /> <br />\" j> <br /> <br />. ,- <br /> <br />~es <br />Wages <br />Wages <br />Wages <br />Wages <br />BOx Rent <br />Labor <br />BOoks <br />. Sign <br />Fuel <br />UcP -H1drant ReI'ltal <br />Gas; . <br />Gas <br />Acey. Ie Oxygen <br />Supplies <br /> <br />Phones <br /> <br />. '14 .,05- <br />- $6.10 ;", <br />36.;30 <br />205.00 <br />72.50 <br />6~OO <br />364'.66 <br />146~'77; <br />.;. 93.00 <br />92.24- <br />593.'03 <br />205.73 <br />. 129.66 <br />18.68 <br />,",:'2:5.60 " <br /> <br />198.72 <br /> <br />u <br />