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5.3b ERMUSR 02-13-2024
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5.3b ERMUSR 02-13-2024
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Highlights, Challenges, and Results from the 2023 Strategic Plan Initiatives <br />• Underground feeder tie between substation 14-4 and Otsego <br />As the City of Otsego continues to grow, early in the summer of 2023, ERMU finished <br />installing a new 500 MCM underground feeder line (F44) from substation 14-4 in Elk River <br />to Otsego (F52), which is near Rockwoods. With this, ERMU can assist if anything was to <br />happen to our Otsego substation. Currently we have a feeder line from substations 14-4 and <br />14-3 to support services. There is a new substation transformer due to arrive in 2026 to <br />replace the existing equipment which is over 43 years old. <br />ESRI GIS Mapping - Transition field staff to ESRI maps. <br />Work continued on this initiative by many staff members during 2023. We hoped for a full <br />transition to GIS maps in 2023, but realized mid -year this would stretch into 2024-25 to <br />ensure a complete and accurate GIS map for our staff to work with. Our current CAD <br />mapping is strong, and we are working to proof, transfer, and proof this data again against <br />the GIS map build. In the end, the ESRI GIS mapping product will be more accurate, contain <br />more information, and maps will be more easily shared among employees and outside <br />contractors such as tree trimming and pole testing firms. In addition, a one map system will <br />free up resources currently used to maintain two. <br />• Evaluate Water Model — Convert old water model to modern software. <br />A water model is a very useful tool, allowing staff to see how our water distribution system <br />behaves in different scenarios, how it reacts to operational changes, and how it should grow <br />as population and demand increases. We investigated the possibility of using the ESRI <br />software we already had and used in mapping the water model but found that it would only <br />support basic parts of the model, not many of the essential features we were looking to <br />utilize. The best option was to purchase the updated software that the water model was <br />currently running on and update the information. Completing this initiative took the efforts <br />of many staff members and was a needed step into the current initiative of planning for <br />future wells, treatment, and storage. With this information we will create a long-term plan <br />for the installation of needed infrastructure to support the northeast expansion of the <br />urban services area. <br />• Develop/Create a Communications Plan for Employees — The Recharge - Internal Newsletter <br />This initiative focused on increasing employee engagement, sense of value, and <br />understanding of ERMU's Mission, Vision, and Values. To accomplish this staff set out to <br />implement an internal newsletter which reports monthly on accomplishments, major <br />events, and employee profiles, creating a stronger community within ERMU to better serve <br />the community we support. The publication was named "The Recharge" in reference to <br />both electric and water services (i.e. recharging an aquifer) as well as it's intended goal to <br />provide positive, fun information that recharges staff with a new appreciation for their <br />colleagues and workplace. The first edition of The Recharge was sent on December 28, <br />2022, ran through 2023, and will continue going forward. <br />Page 1of2 <br />124 <br />
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