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onsite trainer. Their trainer has graciously agreed to take time off from his work to come <br />up here and provide some customer service training onsite in December. <br />Identity Theft Prevention Program <br />In November 2008, this commission approved an ERMU Identity Theft Prevention <br />Program, as required by the Federal Trade Commission for creditors, which includes <br />municipal utilities by definition. The FTC's enforcement of this required Identity Theft <br />Program was just delayed for the fourth time on October 30, 2009 until June 1, 2010. <br />ERMU has put its program in place and continues to operate as if the FTC was enforcing <br />it. Part of this program included an annual reporting to the Commission, which follows. <br />The program we have implemented requires that new accounts have the social security <br />numbers of the account holders verified and utilize a utility database for credit inquiries <br />for verification and to detect suspicious activity. For existing account holders, the <br />program requires that we verify the identity of the account holder on any request of <br />information, changes in billing address, or changes in banking information. ERMU has <br />also put various measures into place to protect the personal identifying information we <br />collect. This includes secure server and website measures, passwords on computers and <br />software programs, destruction of physical information as necessary, and staff signatures <br />required on a customer privacy understanding statement that is reviewed and re-signed <br />annually. This program has been successful thus far and will continue to be monitored <br />and revised as necessary. At this time there are no necessary revisions identified. <br />