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Elk River Ford Dodge Jeep will most likely be making changes to our wall signage to <br />accommodate the new franchises. This signage isn't as critical and we work with staff on <br />this issue and hopefully we will be able to stay within the limits of the Sign Ordinance. <br />Finding related to standards for granting a variance <br />Elk River Ford Dodge Jeep's property has an exceptionally large amount of Highway <br />frontage, making it unique compared to typical C-3 zoned property within the city. <br />Therefore, allowing the variance will not make the stretch of Highway 10 in question <br />more sign intensive then other properties in this zoning district. Further, with proper <br />placement, the additional signs will pose no health, safety or welfaze issues for the azea. <br />With such a large pazcel, the addition of two new franchises fits well. However, it will be <br />impossible to identify them without the signage requested. In fact, it will be impassible <br />to acquire these new franchises without the signage. <br />2 <br />