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movies. we can get a sign to put up on the I~iosl~ in the parr to give to Stephanie to be <br />put up prior to the event. <br />Christmas downtown: Saturday, December 12t~~ is the date. Downtown Open Houses <br />from i 1 to 4, Santa will be at Rivers Edge Commons Park from.l2 to 3. Hemker Fa~•ms <br />will bring Reindeer and other animals to pet. Park and Rec will bring bales of hay to sit <br />on and bring Tony Mikols Sleigh and borrow the chair from the Lions Club for Santa. <br />Park and Rec will also bring a sound system for holiday music. Park and Rec will also <br />put together giftlinfo bags to give out to the children that visit with Santa. Businesses can <br />also put things in the bags. Park and Rec will be doing DQ bags life last year. The <br />Command Performance Choir will sing again downtown. we can also ask the Elk River <br />High School Choir if they have any students interested in Caroling. Last year people <br />weren't aware of all of the activities going on downtown during the Open House. we <br />need to have a sign up by the parl{letting people know. Stephanie said that Park and Rec <br />has a sandwich board that we could have up. Stephanie will get the measurements of the <br />board for us. <br />New business <br />~Iowers downtown; Merl is going to take out the Roses and replace them with Mums <br />for fall, We need to resta~~t the Adopt a Pot program where people pay $2~ to help defray <br />the cost of the flowers and agree to water the flowers by their business. A motion was <br />made and passed to authorize payment from Rivers Edge Funds to buy the mums, Joanie <br />from Bling Apparel said she would talk to the Rental people from the Jacl~son Square <br />Building to ask them about planting the planters by the railing along the street on Jackson <br />Ave. <br />replacing the sights on the trees downtown: we will be putting new lights on the trees <br />downtown azad taking off the old ones, Fred will take care of purchasing of tlae lights and <br />coordinating putting up the new ones, Suggested date to do this is Sunday November, 22. <br />The meeting was ad j oul~ned at 9PM <br />The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 14th at 8AM at McCoys Pub. <br />