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fivers Edge eeti~ 1'~~Iinu es Sept , 200 <br />The meeting was called to order at SAM at McCoy's Pub. <br />Treasurers Report: Jim Reported that there was $2590,71 in our Treasury, It is time to <br />send out invoices for dues, <br />Secretary's Repo~~t: The minutes were amended to include Annie's encouragement to <br />develop a face book page for Downtown Elk River, <br />old usines~: <br />~lty Update: Annie wasn't able to attend the meeting, Stephanie told us that the <br />Concerts in the Park were very successful. Each year attendance has gone up. The movies <br />in the park have also been very well attended this fall, There were at Least 120 people at <br />the last movie. <br />Annual Event Downtown in the summer -~ like or =Art Soup, Fred would like to see a <br />festival life Ar~tSoup downtown every year. The Ants Alliance would like to see this <br />happen also and are considering an every year event, The Downtown Jam that was held <br />in conjunction with the Bike Race might be a good time to plan an event to partner with <br />Park and Rec and have activities downtown that day. <br />HalXoween T]ov~ntov~n: we will be having a Halloween Event Downtown on Friday <br />October 30~h from 10 to 5:30. Businesses wanting to participate will be given a flyex• to <br />put in their window to welcome Trick or Treaters to their business. Last year Annie <br />helped us with the flyer and has offered to do this again, Stephanie Albin said that Park <br />and Rec will bring over left over pumpkins and hay bales from Fright Night to help <br />decorate the park. Fred has Halloween music that he will provide and Stephanie will look <br />into getting a sound system at the park. Two Parr and Rec staff will be in the park doing <br />games: Fred will provide a bean bag toss Park and Rec will have other games, we need <br />to find students to do face painting again, We will do a pumpkin coloring contest, <br />Downtown Businesses will pass out Pumpkins to color and Park and Rec will make them. <br />available for daycares, Colored Pumpl~ins will be turned in to the Park at 10AM on <br />October 30th and there will be prizes for the "best" There will be a scream contest in the <br />Rivers Edge Commons Parr from 4:30 to 5;30, we need to ask Jol1n Babcocl~ if we can <br />bol~.~ow his scream meter. we need a volunteer to judge the scream contest. we also <br />talked about having a Carved Pumpkin Contest -~ having participants bring their carved <br />pumpkins downtown on the 30th to be judged and having them setup in tl~e park. Vie <br />need someone to coordinate the carved pumpkin contest, As always, downtown <br />businesses will be encouraged to decorate their businesses with a Scarecrow o~• other <br />family friendly Halloween decorations, Promotion: we~ady will look into a banner for the <br />side of Kemper Dx~g announcing the event and will put on <br />www.l~c~~. c:rd.r~~ .co~nl~a~~T~a.tow~a.. ~~: ~ . ~we can also put an ad in the newspaper aXad ask <br />to be in the happenings sections. VLre can also put up signs in windows of businesses 2 <br />weeks prior to this event. Announcements can be made at the downtown Saturday night <br />