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4.1. ERMUSR 10-13-2009
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4.1. ERMUSR 10-13-2009
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10/13/2009 12:49:08 PM
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10/13/2009 12:29:58 PM
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~J~ <br />Elk River -~..-~ <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 430 <br />Elk River, MN 55330-0430 <br />October 8, 2009 <br />To: Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />John Dietz <br />Jerry Gumphrey <br />Daryl Thompson <br />From: Troy Adams <br />Subject: Review and Consider Revisions to the ERMU Employee Handbook <br />Phone: ?63.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />At the September 8th commission meeting, staff was directed to have Mark Mathison from Gray <br />Plant Mooty continue with the review of the ERMU Employee Handbook. There were a number <br />of policies that required additional research or information. These included the Weapons <br />Prohibited policy, the Electric Reconnect Stipends and Lead Pay Differential policy, the <br />Paycheck policy, and the Voting Leave policy. This revised handbook is attached for <br />commission review. <br />The question remaining regarding the Weapons Prohibited policy was if there would be a <br />specific exception to this policy that allows a weapon to be transported in a utility vehicle for use <br />at an organized event associated with an industry school. Gray Plant Mooty has drafted this <br />exception into the policy for commission review. <br />In reviewing the Electric Reconnect Stipends and Lead Pay Differential policy, it has been <br />determined that there were issues with method used for the FLSA calculation. The problem is <br />with the reconnect stipend. This dollar amount needs to be included with the hourly <br />compensation in the calculation as well as including the time it takes to complete the reconnect <br />being included in the total hours worked. There are a number of options going forward. One, <br />the current practice of paying the stipend could continue and the FLSA calculation would then <br />need to include the stipend dollar amount. To do this fairly, the time spent per reconnect should <br />also be tracked and used in the FLSA calculation. Two, the stipend could be eliminated and the <br />time spent performing reconnects could be paid based on the current call out practices. This <br />would include the minimum of 2 hours pay per call out. This option would appear to be simpler, <br />but in actuality, the FLSA calculation still needs to be done. So, there would not be a reduction <br />in administration time. If neither of the first two options have commission support, another <br />option would be it develop and implement something entirely different. In discussion with Gray <br />Plant Mooty, there wasn't any legal need to eliminate the stipend and continue with the current <br />practice as long as the corrections to the FLSA calculations were made. <br />
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