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City Council Minutes Page 7 <br />August ~ 7, 20a~ <br />G.2. Consider Fleet Purchases far Street Division <br />~~ <br />Mr. Maurer resented the staff re ort. <br />p p <br />MOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER wESTGAARD AND SECONDED BY <br />COUNCILMEMBER GUMPHREY TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THE <br />EQUIPMENT OUTLINED IN THE STAFF REPORT, MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />7.I. Consider Da~,~e~ous Doi Ordinance and Summary Publication of the ordinance <br />Mr. I~luntz presented the staff report. <br />Mr. Beck explained how this ordinance differentiated from state law. <br />MOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER ZERWAS AND SECONDED BY <br />COUNCILMEMBER wESTGAARD TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 09w08 <br />AMENDING CHAPTER ~.0 OF THE ELK RNER CITY CODE OF <br />ORDINANCES TO REGULATE DANGEROUS AND POTENTIALL <br />DANGEROUS DOGS. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />MOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER MOTIN AND SECONDED BY <br />COUNCILMEMBER ZERWAS TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 09-42 APPROVING <br />NOTICE OF SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 09-D8 AN <br />ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER I.0 OF THE ELK RIVER CITY CODE <br />TO REGULATE DANGEROUS AND POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS. <br />MOTION CARRIED 5~D. <br />__~ <br />7.2. Consider Private Fennel License -Rebecca Krause <br />Ms, Allard presented the staff report. She noted an additional condition that could be added <br />to the license is certificate of liability insurance. She further noted she received a call today <br />from a resident on Lander Street who couldn't be at the meeting who wanted to express his <br />opposition to this license due to safety concerns. <br />Councilmember Zerwas questioned the insurance limits. <br />Ms. Allard stated minimum limits on some licenses are at $300,000 but that she would check <br />with the city's insurance advisor to determine what would be appropriate. <br />Ms. Johnson stated the city's insurance limits for individuals and businesses requesting <br />licenses and special permits are set at ~i million. <br />Mayor I~inzing stated she was concerned about the dag bites with the potentially dangerous <br />dog, the barking dogs, and the number of dogs. She stated the applicant has been out of <br />compliance for some time and should have known there was a kennel ordinance <br />requirement in the city. <br />Councilmember westgaard questioned the applicant if the dogs were pets and if she had a <br />chance to review and understand the conditions that were proposed by staff <br />Applicant Rebecca Krause stated yes to both questions. <br />4 <br />