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Public Power Weekly <br />of retail electric costs annually, Kiss said. Including a 1990 energy efficiency <br />bond issue of $11 million and direct investments by customers, about $30 <br />million has been invested in energy efficiency efforts sponsored by BED over <br />the last 19 years, he said. During 2008, the municipal utility spent a total of <br />$1.5 million on energy efficiency programs and participating customers spent <br />an additional $ l . l million to fund energy efficiency investments in their <br />facilities, Kiss said. <br />Burlington's energy efficiency efforts "have been matched by a commitment <br />to renewable electricity generation," Kiss said. "Currently 67% of Burlington's <br />electricity is generated through renewable energy sources." Last year, with <br />approval of Burlington voters, BED installed a nitrous oxide reduction unit at <br />its 50-MW wood-burning McNeil Generating Station, which has allowed the <br />utility to sell renewable energy credits, he said. The sale of the credits is <br />expected to pay for the costs of installation of the nitrous oxide reduction unit <br />within about three years. <br />Burlington is actively working toward establishing a Clean Energy <br />Assessment District, which will allow homeowners to fund energy efficiency <br />and renewable energy projects with 15- or 20-year loans, where repayment is <br />connected to the property, not the owner, Kiss said. The program would <br />significantly strengthen the incentive for homeowners to make energy <br />improvements, which give a return on investment over a longer period of time <br />than the typical five- or seven-year home improvement loan, he said. <br />Burlington received a grant of $34,250 from APPA's DEED program for the <br />effort to form the Clean Energy Assessment District. <br />If the home is sold, both the benefit and the obligation to repay go with the <br />property. <br />The city also is proposing to establish the Burlington District Energy Service, <br />which would capture waste heat from the McNeil wood-fired plant to provide <br />heating, hot water (and potentially cooling) to residences, institutions and <br />businesses, Kiss said. <br />A Senate climate change bill "should provide for direct funding of <br />municipalities, including full funding of the [Energy Efficiency Community <br />Block Grant] program, to ensure continued and sustained funding for local <br />energy efficiency and conservation efforts," Kiss said. -ROBERT VA_R.ELA <br />DQE announces more stimulus fundin opportunities <br />The Energy Department has issued two more funding opportunity <br />announcements for stimulus funds that may be of interest to public power <br />communities. One is for $22 million for utility-scale community renewable <br />energy projects in up to four communities, and the other offers $10.5 million <br /> (9 of 21)7/28/2009 3:37:08 AM <br />