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Case File: V 09-03 <br />Page 3 <br />Vanance <br />F.R Community Agency <br />The site for the sign was chosen in part because of its visibility to Highway 169/ 10. In addition <br />to this visibility, the site required a willing seller, and relative proxitnity to the City border. The <br />lot for the sign is sized that there is no other value for the lot; it is too small to develop. <br />3. The .c~ecial conditions and circumstances are not a consequence of the~etitioner's oavn action or inaction. <br />The 20-acre minimum lot size was intended to prevent parceling out large parcels into multiple <br />small one, because, in the event of development or redevelopment, larger parcels are more <br />attractive to the development industry. This parcel, small, immediately adjacent to the street, will <br />provide an amenity, and will likely not be the subject of redevelopment. <br />4. The literal a~~lication ofthe~rovisions of this ordinance avould derive the~etitioner o~rights en~oyed by other <br />~ro~erties in the same district under the terms of this ordinance. <br />This criterion does not apply, as other properties will not be installing a City Monument Sign. <br />5. The variance avill not be inlurious to or adversely a~fect the health, sa~et o~~are of the residents of the city or <br />the neighborhood avhere the~ro~erty is located and rarill be in keeling with .r~irit and intent of the ordinance. <br />The variance will not be injurious to or adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the <br />residents of the city or the neighborhood. <br />Action Motion by Second by Vote <br />Follow Up <br />S:\PLANNING MAIN\Case Files\Vanance\V 09-03 Elk River Comm Agency\V 09-03_BA.doc <br />