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King Avenue Parking Lot Task Force Minutes <br />May 5, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />lot facing Main Street so that parkers and others could see where additional parking would <br />be available during the month of reconstruction of the King Avenue lot. <br />Ms. Raduenz presented the group with pictures she had taken from other local communities <br />that demonstrated types of signage used to display areas for public parking, employee only <br />parking and various incremental hourly parking areas. Group members, particularly Mr. <br />Houlton, expressed admiration for vintage-looking signage that sits on high poles denoting <br />public parking located in the downtown Stillwater area. This display was left with Ms. <br />Steinmetz for future discussions about signage that may occur after redevelopment is <br />finished. <br />4. Walking Tour of Downtown Area to Identify Parking Zone Areas <br />The group had originally discussed walking through key areas downtown to determine areas <br />where different parking zones might be located. However, at this point in the meeting Mr. <br />Holme had to leave for a doctor's appointment. Group members spent time discussing <br />traffic flow and stop sign areas. Mr. Houlton said that the `last thing the City should do is <br />impede traffic crossing the bridge near Main Street and Highway 10'. Mr. Sunderman said <br />that a `right turn lane should be installed off Main Street onto the Parish Ave. bridge, as 4x4 <br />vehicles simply drive over existing curb cuts at that location'. Ms. Steinmetz said that there <br />was not enough width on the road to make that work and that the Ciry Engineer and Ciry <br />Council had already looked into that issue. Mr. Johnson said that `businesses need traffic <br />and need to stop, and a balance must be struck so that live customers can have access.' Mr. <br />Sunderman said the best way to fix perceived problems in parking and transportation access <br />is to `keep it simple' and that there should be a `few, simplified parking zones in the <br />downtown area, short-term for customers and long-term for employees.' <br />After a study of downtown public parking spaces, the group members discussed what type <br />of parking terms should be utilized downtown. They reached a consensus for the short-term <br />(until redevelopment has been completed downtown) in suggesting that all public parking <br />limits begin at 6:00 a.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. They also determined that there should be a <br />couple of 15-minute parking spots near the pharmacy for prescription pickup as currently <br />exist, disabled parking spaces where identified previously, and that the remaining spaces on <br />the streets in the downtown area be signed for 2 hour duration, while the King Avenue <br />parking lot public area be zoned for 4-hour parking lot. Mr. McCoy said he was comfortable <br />with these limits as employees would then be able to park in designated employee areas of <br />the King Avenue lot (northwest corner area) all day with a visible permit hanging from a <br />rear-view mirror. Mr. Houlton, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Sunderman agreed to this <br />delineation. <br />Because Mr. Holme had already left the meeting, Ms. Raduenz contacted him the following <br />Monday to review the group's parking zone recommendations. Mr. Holme suggested that <br />the new parking zones occur after the King Avenue lot has been reconstructed, and that <br />parking regulations should be enforced both during the lot construction and after it is <br />finished. He also suggested that a 3-hour parking zone be established for the public spaces <br />available in the King Avenue lot rather than a 4-hour zone, as employees who did not park <br />within the employee-zoned areas may try and park in the public spaces and move their <br />vehicles every 4 hours during the day rather than parking further away in the lot. Mr. Holme <br />felt that a 3-hour limit in the King lot would be sufficient for most visitors and 2 hours for <br />on-street visitor spaces was appropriate. <br />