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Each service shall enter the building served thereby at a point readily accessible at all times, and 8S <br />close as possible to the point of service from the main. <br />Two stop valves (ball type) shall be installed on each water service pipe at a point designated by the Elk <br />River Municipal Utilities, usually on each side of the meter. A service line shall supply no more than one <br />premise unless conditions make it impossible and inadvisable in the judgment of the Elk River Municipal <br />Utilities General Manager. <br />Water service shall be placed at least six (6) feet in depth below grade and seven and one half (7%) feet <br />beneath the street, throughout their length. <br />RESIDENTIAL HOME BUILDER /OWNER <br />a) Home Builder /Owner shall complete the City Water Connection & Repair permit at 13069 Orono <br />Parkway in Elk River. <br />b) All Street disruption and Water Access fees must be paid before connecting to the City Water <br />System. <br />c) All water service curb stops that are required to be located must be called in to the Water utilities at <br />least 24 hours prior to digging (except emergencies), rush jobs do not constitute an emergency. <br />d) All water connections must be inspected by the City Water Department or their designated inspector <br />prior to back filling of water service trench. A 24 hour advance notice is required. Slope of trench <br />must be in accordance with OSHA rules. If this is not possible, a trench box shall be installed for <br />inspections. <br />e) Where pressure reducers are required, the pressure reducer (supplied by plumber) will be located <br />on the house side of the meter and after the second valve. <br />f) Connection and Meter fees must be paid and a copy of the City's plumbing permit must be received <br />before delivery of the meter will be made. (see section 106 for WAC fees and Connection charges) <br />g) Plumber shall install meter. The radio read generator and ERT are generally attached to the meter. <br />h) Notification by the plumber that the water meter has been set and ready for seal and inspection by <br />Utility personnel shall be done at least 24 hours prior to final plumbing inspection by the City Building <br />Inspection Department. No Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) will be issued until meter is sealed and <br />radio read has been installed by Water Utility. <br />COMMERCIAL /INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPER <br />a) Execute Developers agreement with the City of Elk River. <br />b) Provide 3 (three) plat maps with easements and CADD diskette of plat. <br />c) Payment of partial WAC fee per Section 106. <br />d) Developer will design with City/Utility approval, water main system within platted area and install the <br />same per City/Utility specifications. <br />e) All street disruption and water access fees must be paid before connecting to the City Water <br />System. <br />f) All water service valves that are required to be located must be called in to the Water Utility at least <br />24 hours prior to digging (except emergencies), rush jobs do not constitute an emergency. <br />g) All water connections must be inspected by the City Water department or their designated inspector <br />prior to back filling of water service trench. A 24 hour advance notice is required. Slope of trench <br />must be in accordance with OSHA rules. If this is not possible, a trench box shall be installed for <br />inspections. <br />h) Ball valve required for all 2" (two inch) and smaller services. <br />i) Where pressure reducers are required, the pressure reducer (supplied by plumber) will be located <br />on the house side of the meter and before the second valve. <br />j) Connection, Access and Meter fees must be paid and a plumbing permit number supplied before <br />delivery of the water meter will be made. The WAC fee will be paid at this time upon determination of <br />total WAC units which is a function of building occupancy and is determined by the City Building <br />Official. <br />k) The fire protection fee is determined by size of fire service line into building. Detector check valve is <br />required on all fire protection lines. (Cost for detector check meter per Section 106). <br />I) Plumber shall install meter with ratio read generator &ERT. 2" and larger meters will require a <br />meter by-pass loop. <br />m) In some instances, radio read meters do not work well in industrial type buildings and hard wired <br />remote readers will be required. All wiring for remote read meters shall be installed by the plumbing <br />contractor before rough in inspection. At time of final inspection, the Water Utilities will install the <br />remote, inspect and seal the meter. <br />