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Labor Reduction. Study -Impact on Engineering Dept. <br />March 4, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />General Comments -For this department, as well as the rest of the Utilities, the busiest time of <br />the year is approaching. A reduction in hours would push back maintenance compromising <br />safety. A reduction in hours would limit the department's ability to provide the level of <br />customer service which has previously been given. After many years of 10% system growth, <br />this department and the Utilities are is a state of maintenance catch-up. Many projects directly <br />affecting system reliability and safety still are in the process of implementation, for example the <br />fuse coordination study recently completed. With the promotion of a new department <br />supervisor, additional time will be needed for transition. The financial and public perception <br />gain of reducing hours does not off set the reduction in customer service, safety, and system <br />reliability. <br />