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1. The account holder provides evidence that electric and/or gas service has <br />been restored; or <br />2. The account holder requests a hearing within 10 days of the notice. <br />B. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held pursuant to I. 3 above. <br />C. If no hearing is requested, ERMU will post a notice on the property by October 1 <br />stating that the water will be shut off on October 15, and the water will be shut-off on or <br />after October 15th, pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section III below. <br />D. If ERMU shuts off electric service to a property, receives notice that electric <br />service or gas to a property has been shut-off, or receives information that a property is <br />vacant, between October 15 and April 15, ERMU may proceed to shut-off the water as an <br />emergency shut-off under IV below. <br />III. Shut-off Procedure for Non-Emergency Shut-Offs. <br />A. Water will always be shut-off at the street unless the stop-valve cannot be located. <br />B. ERMU shall have the right to take reasonable measures, including the excavation <br />and removal of existing landscaping, driveway, sidewalks and other improvements as <br />necessary, to locate the stop-valve. <br />C. If stop-off valve cannot be located: <br />1. Written notice of the date that ERMU needs access to the property to shut- <br />off water will be posted on the property and mailed to the account holder and any <br />lender(s) that can be identified. <br />2. On the date that water is to be shut-off: <br />o The Elk River Police Department will accompany ERMU personnel to the <br />property; <br />o If the property is not vacant, the police will advise the occupant to allow <br />ERMU personnel to enter the property to shut-off water; <br />o If the property is vacant, a locksmith will be brought along to gain entry to <br />the property and Elk River Police Department will accompany ERMU into <br />the property to shut-off the water. <br />IV. Shut-Off Procedures for Emergency Shut-Offs. <br />A. ERMU shall have the right to make an emergency shut-off in the following <br />circumstances: <br />2 <br />