Laserfiche WebLink
• Never gossip, or provide personal information about yourself or someone else, or <br />emotional responses. <br />• Sensitive materials should not be through a-mail. <br />• No insensitive language, such as derogatory, defamatory, or obscene should be used. <br />• No harassing language, including sexually harassing language, or remarks that may be <br />misinterpreted. <br />• E-mail and voicemail should be checked at least daily. <br />• Chain letters is a prohibited use of e-mail. <br />• Keep personal use of e-mail brief. <br />General Rules for Internet Use <br />• Employees may use computer equipment for non-business Internet research or browsing <br />during non-work hours. <br />• Employees must exercise discretion. <br />• Employees must not intentionally access any site that is inappropriate, or that could cause <br />embarrassment to the Utility or employee. Any file downloaded must be scanned for <br />viruses before it is run or accessed. <br />• Employees may not access adult entertainment and sexually explicit material, sites <br />promoting violence or terrorism, illegal use of controlled substances, intolerance of other <br />people/races/religions. <br />• Downloaded files via the Internet into a Utility computer become the property of the <br />Utility. <br />General Rules for Telephone Use <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities telephones are in place to conduct official Elk River Municipal <br />Utilities business. It is critical that employees be courteous, tactful, professional, and efficient on <br />the telephone. Employees are expected to answer and return calls promptly. <br />Personal calls made or received must not interfere with the employee's work duties and shall be <br />kept to a minimum. Local personal telephone calls should be made only when absolutely <br />necessary, preferably during scheduled rest breaks or lunch periods. Keep incoming personal <br />calls brief. An employee who spends an excessive amount of time on personal calls may be <br />subject to discipline. <br />Employees are required to reimburse the Utility promptly for all charges related to personal long <br />distance and cellular/digital phone use. <br />