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Ice Arena Commission Memo Page 3 of 5 <br />August 8, 2006 <br />-------------- <br />8) Arena Commission Policies and Procedures <br />Attached for your review are the policies and procedures that the Arena Commission has <br />approved over the years. You will notice that the first two pages deal mainly with ice <br />rates and the shooting area. The third page notes other policies that the commission <br />approved over the years. There were several other items that Arena Commission voted <br />on that are not listed such as, the Arena's budget, the Barn's floor, and other <br />miscellaneous items. <br />9) Ice Sales /Ice Rates / Roger's Ice Arena <br />Attached for your review is the usage schedule for the 2005 - 2006 season along with a <br />draft usage schedule for the 2006 - 2007 season. There are still a few hours to be booked <br />for the coming year; however, the majority of the hours are set. This summer we rented <br />about 1001ess hours than in 2005. This can be contributed to the Roger's Girls High <br />school hockey coach not running his camp and The John Bazzachini Hockey camp <br />canceling his Mini Mite level due to lack of interest. <br />The Roger's city council voted to move forward with their Arena. The projected <br />completion date is December 15th; however a tighter time line will be established once <br />they know when the steel will be delivered. Typically it takes about six months to build <br />an Arena, depending on weather, deliveries of materials, and other unforeseen obstacles. <br />Six months would put the completion date of the Arena at about the end of January. On <br />July 25th the Roger's city council voted to fund a larger lobby for the Arena. This will <br />diffidently give them an advantage on getting any sectional high school games or other <br />"big games". <br />This year we have booked all of the Roger's High Schools ice. If the Roger's Arena <br />opens when projected, the Roger's teams will move their program to the Roger's Arena. <br />The School District will be held accountable for payment of open hours of ice at the Elk <br />River Arena that was scheduled for the Roger's teams. If we find buyers for the vacant <br />hours from the School District, the School District will not be responsible for these hours. <br />As stated at the April Commission meeting, Roger's High School and their association <br />rented 388 hours of ice during the 2005 - 2006 season. This season (2006 - 2007) they <br />are scheduled to rent about 345 hours of ice. 65 of these hours are in the summer, 25 of <br />these hours are on weekends leaving 255 hours of ice during the weekdays. Out of the <br />weekday hours there are about 40 hours that are right after school (2:50 - 5:00 pm). <br />These hours are hard to utilize by the youth groups since most of their players are still in <br />school and their coaches are still at work. This leaves about 215 hours of prime time <br />weekday hours, which will be easy to sell. However the remaining hours will be a little <br />more challenging to sell. Elk River Youth Hockey and the Elk River Skate Club can only <br />use so many weekend hours. We can schedule more Open Skating and Open Hockey <br />during the weekends; however they do not generate the kind of revenue that selling the <br />hours outright will. This coming season I will be working closely with the Elk River <br />Youth Hockey Association, The Elk River Skating Academy, and the Elk River Skate <br />