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Question of Employee Theft <br />Current Policy: <br />22. DISMISSAL OR LAY OFF <br />All new employees shall be on probation for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days. <br />Continued employment during this period shall rest solely with the discretion of the Utilities <br />Commission. Subsequent to that period, the employee shall attain regular status subject to the <br />following: <br />Employees on regular status may be dismissed only for cause, which may <br />include, but is not limited to, the following. Improper conduct or language, <br />insubordination, failure to do the work assigned, dishonesty or stealing, sale, <br />transfer of, or possession of, or being under the influence of intoxicating <br />beverages or controlled or mood altering substances while on the job. <br />The Utilities Commission reserves the right to eliminate positions or reduce the hours associated <br />with a position. <br />