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08-11-2008 CCM
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City Council
Council Minutes
City Council 1974 - Present
08-11-2008 CCM
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Last modified
9/22/2008 9:28:26 AM
Creation date
9/22/2008 9:28:25 AM
City Government
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City Council Minutes <br />August 11, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />The land in question is zoned light industrial, retail, and commercial. Discussion was held • <br />regarding the current zoning of the land, and if changes needed to be made. Councilmember <br />Farber suggested keeping the I1 land in the lower portion of the site as is, and to promote <br />commercial businesses along Highway 10. <br />Commissioner Dwyer discussed keeping the light industrial zoning near the RDF plant, <br />which borders wetlands. If the wetlands would need to be mitigated, soil replacement costs <br />would be high. <br />Mayor Klinzing discussed the Highway 10 area, noting to develop the commercial strip <br />portion will compliment the area. <br />Councilmember Farber suggested a PUD in the area. <br />Mayor Klinzing suggested the study area should be south of the bridge down to 165 <br />Avenue, and from the railroad tracks on the east of Highway 10 to the commercial property <br />on the west, to include both sides of Highway 10. <br />Ms. Mehelich stated she's received calls from brokers asking about the 175 area across <br />from the new Sportech site. She stated the area would be attractive to a variety of different <br />uses, especially north of 173 in the former Back to the 50's location and former Dehn's <br />Four Seasons location. She asked if a boundary map should be drafted. <br />Ms. Johnson stated the purpose of the study would be to provide a plan to maximize the use ~ • <br />and value of the area property and to increase employment opportunities in the City. The <br />study would address several issues. identify how development should occur around the <br />depot, in Gateway, and surrounding areas; identify areas for possible redevelopment; <br />determine how to transition from one land use to another; and outline the City's <br />development goals for the area. The study would help developers focus on proposing <br />projects that the Council feels fit the area and meet the City's objectives. It would help staff <br />to target marketing to the identified uses. <br />Mr. Gongoll stated they should take proposals and try to fit them into the property. <br />Mayor Klinzing agreed, stating the city needs to tighten the area. <br />Ms. Mehelich stated to look proactively into the future, set guidelines, and provide <br />expectations; in doing so, it won't limit brokers but will still provide guidelines. In the end, <br />the City would benefit from having a plan in place. <br />Mr. Barnhart stated once the plan is in place to have a zoning plan setup in anticipation. <br />Mayor Klinzing asked if a moratorium should be put in placed on the area until the study <br />comes back. <br />Mr. Barnhart stated it wouldn't be necessary since the market currently appears to be in its <br />own moratorium. <br />Commissioner Dwyer asked to hear from Scott Powell and Chuck Lefebvre on their • <br />thoughts with developing the area. <br />
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