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City Coundl Minutes <br />ug st 4, 2008 <br />'age <br />Todd Russel 13063 180thAve NW and Dennis Aleckson, 13037 180thAve NW— <br />expressed <br />Wex pressed concerns with the price of water and the step structure compared to surrounding <br />atie . <br />Cound1member Gun phrey explained that the water rates are structured the way they are <br />racy as a conservation effort. Ms. Johnson noted that the fimds are necessary to support <br />eater and sewer infrastructure in a growing community. The Councfl indicated that the <br />proper place for Mr. Russell to dress his concerns would be to tae Utilities Commission. <br />The meedng date, tie, and location were provided. <br />5-1. Resolution 08-5' Accep tina Bid and Authorizes Execution o f Contract in the Matter of the <br />Seal. oatin Improvement of 2008 <br />Mr. Ivlaurer presented the staff report. <br />MOVED BY COUNCILAIEMBER M TIN AND SECONDED BY <br />COUNCILMEMBER FARBERTo ADOPT RESOLUTION 08-59 .ACCEPTING <br />BID AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION of CONTRACT IN THE MATTER <br />1 THE SEAT COATING TI IMPROVEMENT 2008. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />.2, Request to Purchase Truck Lift for Fleet Maintenance Division <br />Mr. Maurer presented the staff report. <br />MOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER ZERWAS AND SECONDED BY <br />COLTNCILAIEMBER MOTIN To APPROVE THE PURCHASE of A FOUR <br />POST TRUCK LIFT SYSTEM AND Two SUPPORT STANDS FROM ST RIL - <br />KONI DSA, INC. AT A TOTAL COST of $33,934.50 WITH $20,970 FUNDED <br />FROM THE SALE of SURPLUS EQUIPMENT IN 2008 AND THE BALANCE <br />FUNDED FROM SURPLUS EQUIPMENT SALES IN 2007. MOTION <br />CARRIED 5-0. <br />.. Discussion TH 10 Uandna Replacement <br />Staff report presented by Mr. Maurer. <br />Leo Offerman, utility service representative with Connexus Energy — dist bated a handout <br />with additional lighting options. Mr. Offerman oudined the options and paces for each o <br />the options. <br />MOVED BY CDU`CILMEMBE . ZERWAS AND SECONDED BY <br />COUNCILMEMBER FARBERTO APPROVE THE PURCHASE of EIGHT <br />SINGLE AND 18 DOUBLE E 250 WATT IFPS COM .1 ERCLkL SHO OX LIGHTS <br />C NNEXLTS STANDARD) ON 30' SQUARE S I E GAS POLES, BLACK IN <br />COLOR O FOR A TOTAL COST OF $78,382,00(OPTION I AS OUTLINED IN <br />CONNEXUS ENERGY EMO DATED JUNE 245 2008). MOTION CARRIED <br />,, <br />The Councfl expressed interest in banner arms and options were discussed. Mr. Offetman <br />NviU provide staff with examples and cost estimates on the harmer arms. Cou,ncilmember <br />Gurnphry would also Hke staff to obtain cost estimates on different types of banners. <br />