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Developers and property owners are subject to the <br />design-standards only when they initiate a change to <br />the development expectations. In other words, they <br />have certain development rights on a by-right basis <br />exclusive of design criteria, but when they seek a <br />-change, such as increased density, the design standards <br />would be applied. <br />Parallel districts/floating overlays work in much the <br />same fashion in that they may have certain perform- <br />ance criteria established in order to qualify. However, <br />unlike triggered mechanisms, they are written in a <br />manner that encourages their use If the threshold cri- <br />teria are met (minimum development size, location in <br />conformance with adopted plan, etc.), developers may <br />have the parallel codes applied by-right and need not <br />go through any public approval processes. Many <br />Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) ordi- <br />nances are written in this manner. <br />In conclusion, desi~-based codes are appropriate, <br />all types of communities from no-growth to high- <br />growth. Care must be taken to waft Lodes that are <br />appropriate for that community as well combine them <br />with a development approval process that encourages <br />their use. <br />Use of design-based codes can promote a more consis- <br />tent, sustainable development for nearly any commu- <br />nity. <br />Design-based codes are part of a great story of demo- <br />Qatic design that traces its roots back to the time of <br />ancient Rome helping communities improve their <br />quality of life and character for the next millennium. <br />- by Craig S. Lewis, AICP, CNt7 March, ?003 <br />. x~.iu~w ~.a~i~v i~avvu ++a~ al~u icslvlla,, tildtlillll~' Y11 UI lS <br />" <br />~ ' <br />for pubhc and prnate <br />chenls:, _ ? <br />f • <br /> . <br />In addition, tvlr Le;~is'ts nafionallq recognized forizis ~ <br />..• <br /> <br />expertise to ihe.inlplementation'of design-based codes hav ~ ~ ~ <br />- ~„ <br />, <br /> <br />ing'authored numerous newurbanist codesand design ,~, <br />z <br />~ '~ `~°1 '' <br />, <br />- guidelines throughout Lhe southeast as well as in the mid <br />,. <br />. <br />1-lis Code experience includes: °' - <br />, <br />tive tThe form=based codes that he has produced hate. - ': - <br />- ~ - <br />.;served as natianal• models for other communities seeking to <br />.: ~, 'Town of Cornelius, IBC Land Develnpmeric Code . <br />E w; :ado}>t-neu design-based techniques to guide groiti-th.. - ' : Touv1 of Davidson, NC Planning Ordinance <br /> <br />~ ,~`~ ' _ _ <br />~ Alouru Mourne Nei~hborkood C6de, tvlooresi~Re--, Is'G <br />~- A1r seta°is is a~skiiled public facilifator and an advocate and ~ <br />' ~ L)nu~nrown A1nc7esinlie Code, A~ne~rPS1rille, f1C , <br /> <br />,practitioner of the pubhc charretteplanning and design <br />~ Cite of Belmont, NC Land Dei~elcpment Code <br />_ - <br />r <br />_ ' process; ~ln addition, he is a strong public speaker and is _ C1t}~ of kale~,~h, NC Urbun Design Guidelines <br />i•. -- - <br />tit e11 sought after as an instructor and presenter ~ Haynie-Simne ~tieighborhood Code, Greemnlle, SC ' <br />' <br />. Cth~ of O <br />Fallon, til-O Down[ou.n Design Guidelines <br />- - ~ Torn. e~f Surnmcr{ield, NC Cc~mmei-cniI Development Guidelines <br />He holds a B.A. in Political Science and a Alasters in Public Ce.~terrj t7e Rcgit~n Bess Dtn~elopmert Pr.:cria , Triari~Ie.4rea, NC <br />Administration from the Universit~f of North Carolina at N`11tot? -Glen Alaur}• Parh C'cu.e, Pu~aia VL~ra, V_~ <br />Charlotte- He Currently serves as t}3e Chairman of the Design Southside U~ ~ la~~ DiStTiel, Hcnder_sor1n11z l~rC_ <br /> <br />Peview Board for the Tou-n of Davidson and is a regular stu- .. <br />Cin- of Roanore; ~4 Zonarg Orau~ance (InProgres) <br />dio critic for the Uniti'ersity of North Carolina at Charlotte T~u~n ofR9oo~~n~ilie, NC Lr_ i j Development Cede (In I'r ;dress) <br />School of Architecture. <br />