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New Downtown Parking Regulations & Pemvtting <br />June 1, 2(H)7 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />King Avenue Parking Lot Permit Application 8~ Issuance <br />Parking permits for the King Avenue Parking Lot employee area will be issued to downtown businesses and <br />commercial property owners (for distribution to employees) on a quarterly basis by the enclosed application <br />and at a rate of $10.00 per month. Complete permit applications and payment must be received by the <br />City Police Department no later than 4:30 p.m. Friday, June 15, 2007. Applicants will be issued one <br />permit each until the maximum of 110 permits is issued. PLEASE NOTE: In order to provide the best <br />parking for customers, an employee permit for the King Avenue Parking Lot should be considered a privilege <br />to park closer to one's place of work; a parking permit does not guarantee an open stall at all times. <br />Safe alternative locations for employee parking include: <br />• On-street Main Street west of Lowell Avenue and the side streets as signed between lam-6pm Monday <br />through Friday. Over 60 on-street parking spaces are available in this area at no cost and no permit <br />requirement. <br />• Employees ~vho work evening shifts may move vehicles closer to their place of work after 6pm. <br />Additional Parking Information <br />The parking pe~-~mit system will be evaluated by the City on a regular basis for any necessary modifications as <br />downtown parking supply and demand will fluctuate as construction comes to an end and commercial tenants <br />phase into the new buildings over time. In the meantime, the City has authorized the completion of an <br />independent Downtown Parking Study of long-term needs and options for handling parking. A final report <br />is expected this late summer with the outcome to be communicated through the River's Edge Downtown <br />Business Association. <br />As you may be aware O'Reilly Automotive announced the relocation of their business from 720 Main Street <br />to another Elk River location in June. O'Reilly's relocation from downtown is not a result of the business <br />climate downtown, but rather to align the local location and image with its corporate model. At the end of <br />2006, the Elk River Housing & Redevelopment Authority entered into acontract-for-deed for the acquisition <br />of both 716 and 720 Main Street buildings for the purpose of long-term positioning to expand downtown <br />parking opportunities. The HRA has not made any decisions to remove these buildings or to acquire <br />adjacent parcels to add more parking in this area an}' time soon. <br />Please contact the City Police Department at 763.635.1260 with any questions. <br />Sincerely, <br />ff A. Beahen <br />C 'e f Police <br />Enclosures: <br />Downtown Parking Map <br />Parking Permit Application <br />HRA, Mayor and City Council, City Administrator Lori Johnson <br />