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CITY i~~^ ±±-1_/. RIVEr? ~OVvNTC~VV~ r3iVE?~ RCNT REVITALI~r""SIGN ~7&r", f~lE'N'SL~ TTE~ FES~?lAriY 20iJ'~ <br />concepts in late February, it will issue a request for <br />proposals for the entire revitalization area. <br />Q. What can you tell me about the design <br />concepts for downtown? <br />A. A design concept is not a detailed plan or a blue <br />print. Instead, it provides a framework for revitaliza- <br />tion by identifying general areas and potential types <br />of development within the revitalization area. The <br />City's two alternative design concepts will be based <br />on the previous studies and on the goals developed <br />by the HRA. They will take into consideration the <br />market analysis and the historical context study. <br />Q. What is the historic context study and when <br />will it be completed? <br />A. The historic context study that is currently <br />underway is a framework used to help determine <br />the historic significance of particular buildings <br />and places within the City. Structures within the <br />downtown area will be evaluated in a Phase I <br />study and identified as either "non-significant" or <br />"potentially significant." The study's final report <br />should be available in May 2002. The results of <br />the study will be used to facilitate the final <br />development design. <br />{~. When is the open house far the design <br />concepts? <br />A. The City will hold an open house on Tuesday, <br />February 12, 4 p.m.-6 p.m., at City Hall, to <br />receive feedback from the public on alternative <br />downtown revitalization design concepts. That <br />public feedback will be presented to the HRA <br />at the February 25 regular meeting. <br />~. When is the earliest that revitalization and <br />redevelopment could begin to occur? <br />A. The earliest that revitalization and redevelopment <br />could begin to occur is in 2003. The HRA is likely to <br />issue a request for proposals from developers in <br />March 2002. After reviewing various developers' pro- <br />posals, the City may choose to enter into a prelimi- <br />nary development agreement with a developer or <br />developers. During the preliminary development <br />phase, the developer provides a more detailed revital- <br />ization plan to the City, and all financial, planning, <br />land acquisition and zoning issues must be <br />addressed. If that phase is satisfactorily completed, <br />the HRA and developer would enter a final develop- <br />ment agreement and land acquisition and construc- <br />tion could then proceed. <br />Q. Is it possible that not all of downtown will be <br />redeveloped at the same time? <br />A. Yes. In fact, it is certain that the downtown <br />revitalization will need to be phased and the <br />entire revitalization and redevelopment is likely to <br />occur over the course of 7 to 10 years. <br />Q. Haw do we know that revitalization and <br />redevelopment will occur at all this time? <br />A. The City has hired redevelopment consultant <br />Ehlers & Associates and is proceeding with a <br />very deliberate revitalization process which has <br />been successful for cities throughout Minnesota. <br />Q. How can I stay informed and involved? <br />A. The City will issue periodic newsletters to update <br />the community on the revitalization. Information on <br />the February open house and other opportunities for <br />public involvement throughout the revitalization <br />process will be provided in the Elk River Star News <br />and on ERtV Channel 12. If you have any <br />questions about the revitalization, feel free to <br />contact City Administrator Pat Klaers, or Director <br />of Planning Michele McPherson at (763) 441-7420. <br />xiver <br />13065 Orono Parkway, Box 490 <br />Elk River, MN 55330 <br />