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City Council Minutes <br />November 13, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />Councilmember Farber stated that there are certain houses that are eye sores that tend to <br />come up for sale often. He questioned if there is a way fox the HRA to purchase the houses, <br />tear them down and have something else built in its place. Mayor Klinzing indicated that <br />there used to be a resident in town that provided that service but not any longer. She stated <br />that funding to purchase the homes is an issue. She questioned if small cities giants are <br />available. Ms. Johnson indicated that the city has not applied for the small cities grant in <br />quite some time but that she will have Director of Economic Development Catherine <br />Mehelich check into options. <br />5.6. Toint County Board Discussion Items <br />The following items were suggested additions to the joint County Board agenda: <br />^ Fairgrounds <br />^ Transportation <br />^ Government Center property <br />^ Landfill <br />^ Legacy Grant <br />^ Northstar Corridor (public transit) <br />^ Communication Issues (notification to cities) <br />5.7. Council Open Forum <br />Councilmembex Motin provided a NCDA update. He stated that Benton County dropped <br />out of the Northstar Corridor Development Authority as they did not see it as enough of a <br />benefit to its residents. <br />6. Other Business <br />There was no other business. <br />7. Council Updates <br />There were no council updates. <br />8. Staff Updates <br />Ms. Johnson stated that she received the resignation of Parks Maintenance Supervisor Terry <br />Bye. She noted that Parks Maintenance employee Rodney Schreifels will serve as acting <br />Parks Maintenance Supervisor. <br />9. Adjournment <br />There being no further business, Mayor Klinzing adjourned the meeting of the Elk River <br />City Council at 8:47 p.m. <br />Minutes prepared by Jessica Miller. <br />Tina Allard <br />City Clerk <br />