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City Council Minutes <br />November 13, 2007 <br />5.4. Black Dirt Ordinance <br />Page 4 <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities General Manager Bryan Adams presented a PowerPoint <br />outlining monthly water usage and statistics in Elk River. Mr. Adams also explained Elk <br />River's water source. He stated that on an annual basis, lawn irrigation accounts for <br />approximately 45% of Elk River's water use. He explained that the DNR is urging <br />communities to implement water conservation programs and reducing lawn irrigation is one <br />of them. He stated that surrounding communities were surveyed and a majority have a black <br />dirt policy in place. Mr. Adams indicated that the Utilities Commission is recommending the <br />City Council adopt a black dirt ordinance in order to foster water conservation. He <br />recommended the ordinance contain the following four principles: <br />1. 4" of black dirt shall be tilled into the top approximate 8" of existing soil <br />2. 4' of black dirt shall have the approximate following make-up by volume: <br />^ 61% sand <br />^ 12% clay <br />^ 12% silt <br />^ 15% organic <br />3. areas that naturally contain this approximate soil make-up shall be classified as meeting <br />the black dirt policy <br />4. inspection as part of the certificate of occupancy process by building inspections <br />Councilmember Motin questioned if the ordinance would apply to existing lots or only new <br />lots. Mr. Adams indicated that the recommendation is for the ordinance to govern all new, <br />urban lots. <br />Councilmember Gumphrey stated that Elk River is Energy City and this would be an <br />excellent opportunity fox a conservation effort. Ms. Johnson indicated that staff agrees with <br />implementing conservation efforts but has concerns regarding enforcement. <br />Mayor Klinzing indicated that she believes it is worth a try and she would like to be <br />consistent with surrounding communities and require 4" of black dirt. <br />Councilmember Motin questioned how acreage lots in urban districts will be handled. Mr. <br />Adams indicated that staff will need to review that and added that it may depend on how <br />much lawn the homeowner intends to mow. <br />It was the consensus of the Council for Mx. Adams to draft a black dirt ordinance to be <br />brought back for Council approval. <br />/ ~ 5.5. HRA Projects from City Council <br />Ms. Johnson explained that Councilmember Moon is requesting input from the Council on <br />any projects they would like to see brought back to the HRA. <br />Councilmember Motin indicated that the HRA will be working on the housing study in 2008 <br />but has an otherwise light schedule. <br />