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5. HRSR 11-05-2007
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5. HRSR 11-05-2007
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City Council Minutes Page 3 <br />October 8, 2007 <br />Police Chief Jeffrey Beahen indicated that the city experiences a savings by RSVP providing <br />2000 hours of volunteer service. He stated that it would cost the city at least $30,000 to hire <br />an employee to replace the services RSVP performs. <br />MOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER FARBER AND SECONDED BY <br />COUNCILMEMBER ZERWAS TO PROVIDE OFFICE SPACE FOR THE <br />COORDINATOR OF THE RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM <br />(RSVP) IN THE NEW SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER WITH A THIRTY DAY <br />TERMINATION PERIOD ON THE LEASE. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />5.1. Continue Downtown Parking Study Discussion <br />Parking Stud <br />Ciry Administrator Lori Johnson indicated that the first item for Council consideration is <br />whether or not to accept the downtown parking study. Ms. Johnson indicated that although <br />there are some concerns and questions about the study, there are advantages to accepting the <br />study as prepared. First, the study would give the city a starting point from which to make <br />adjustments as parking patterns and volumes change. Second, it would give developers of <br />new commercial space the parking data they need to help market their commercial units. <br />Third, the study includes a list of recommendations that, if adopted, will help deal with <br />current and future parking related items in a proactive way to help avoid parking problems. <br />Ms. Johnson stated that questions have been raised about the validity of the study since the <br />count used as the measure for the study was only taken on one day. She explained that Mr. <br />Surna explained during his presentation that other cities have also questioned this <br />methodology and have chosen to conduct additional parking counts, but the end result only <br />changed by one or two percent. Ms. Johnson stated that the study should be viewed as a <br />baseline for a given point in time and accepted knowing the parking data may change. She <br />stated that staff suggests that parking counts by staff be conducted at least every six months. <br />Ms. Johnson indicated that staff concurs with the list of recommendations included in the <br />study and is prepared to begin working on the recommendations if the study is approved by <br />the Council. <br />Ms. Johnson explained that one of the recommendations is to adopt guiding principles for <br />downtown parking as outlined in the study to help set expectations, define the mission, <br />determine responsibilities, help plan for and manage the parking needs, as well as other <br />related items. She stated that one of the recommendations is to designate a single <br />department to be in charge of parking with the understanding that certain responsibilities <br />would be designated to other departments. Staff is recommending the public works <br />department be the department responsible for parking. The street division will still be <br />responsible for lot maintenance and the police department will still be responsible for <br />parking enforcement. <br />Councilmember Motin indicated that he does not believe the study is representative of what <br />parking in the area will be in the future once the downtown businesses and residents move <br />in. He stated that it would make sense to accept the study and review the parking counts in <br />six months. <br />Councilmember Zerwas explained that he is concerned with the method used for the count <br />but he believes that in order to move forward the study should be accepted as a baseline and <br />additional traffic counts should be taken quarterly for at least the first year. He would like <br />the counts taken over a two or three day period. <br />
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