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Private recreational facility means a building, structure or open space designed as an accessory <br />recreational use to a permitted principal use. Private recreational facilities include such uses as <br />swimming pools and tennis courts and are not open to the general public and not operated for <br />profit. <br />Additional terms that could be considered as amendments to the ordinance may include: <br />Personal Improvement Services. The provision of instructional services or facilities, <br />including health or physical fitness clubs, modeling agencies, rehearsal. halls, and weight control <br />clinics. <br />Physical recreation or training: <br />Indoor Commercial Recreation <br />Outdoor Commercial Recreation <br />Districts <br />Sec. 30-1022. C-1 central business district. <br />The C-1 central business district is appropriate for retail, service, and commercial uses to serve the shopping <br />and service needs of the residents and surrounding community, as distinguished from highway commercial <br />uses. The central business district is intended to encourage uses and designs that are consistent with the <br />historic character of the central business district. Emphasis shall be placed on pedestrian access and design <br />standards with flexibility to preserve the historic character of the central business district. Uses shall be <br />designed to eliminate any nuisance or incompatibility with surrounding uses. <br />Conditional Uses include Private recreational <br />Sec. 30-1024. C-3 highway commercial district. <br />The purpose of the C-3 highway commercial district is to recognize the need for commercial establishments <br />on or serving with immediate access to major highways. Permitted land uses should take advantage of the <br />highway access in a manner which other business districts are not afforded. In addition to retail and <br />commercial uses, quasi-industrial and wholesale enterprises that do not meet an industrial setting and have <br />considerable customer contact are acceptable in the highway commercial district. <br />Conditional Uses include Private recreational <br />Sec. 30-1292. I-1 district. <br />(a) The I-1 district shall serve as a transition between more industrial uses and residential and other <br />business uses. This district is appropriate for manufacturing, warehousing, and similar industrial uses because <br />of access to warehousing, thoroughfares, the full complement of urban services such as sewer and water, and <br />distance from residential districts. These areas are intended to encourage the development of industrial uses <br />which are clean, quiet, and free of hazardous or objectionable elements such as noise, odor, dust, smoke, <br />glare, or other pollutants. These industries shall be compatible with each other and with surrounding land <br />uses. <br />Accessory Uses include Private Recreational <br />Sec. 30-1294. BP business park district. <br />