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Planning Coxmnission Minutes Page 8 <br />January 9, 2007 <br />--------------------------- <br />5.4. Request by United Health for Land Use Amendment to Change Land Use of Certain <br />Property from Community Commercial to Light Industrial Public Hearing Case No LU <br />07-01 <br />5.5. Request by United Health for Zone Change from C3 Highway Commercial to BP Business <br />Park, Case No. ZC 07-02 <br />5.6. Request by United Health for Conditional Use Permit for Data Center Facility Public <br />Hearing -Case No. CU 07-04 <br />Planning Manager Jeremy Barnhart reviewed the request by United Health to allow <br />construction of a data center on the combined parcels of Outlot D of Elk Path Business <br />Center and a portion of Outlot A of Elk Path Business Center 2~d Addition. Mr. Barnhart <br />reviewed the history of the current zoning and land use designation. He felt the changes are <br />appropriate to serve a large land use that was not contemplated at the time the zoning and <br />land use maps were developed. Mr. Barnhart stated that a conditional use permit is required <br />for the above ground storage tanks. He noted that the enclosure for the tanks will be <br />setback from Business Center Drive approximately 450 feet. A wall to screen the storage <br />tank will be 16 feet in height and will match the building, making the wall appear as <br />extension of the building walls. Mr. Barnhart reviewed the parking and circulation, <br />landscaping, and building details. He noted that the City Engineer is working with the <br />applicant on the access to the property. <br />Commissioner Anderson asked what was the height of the cooling tower. Mr. Barnhart <br />stated it was approximately 25 feet. <br />Commissioner Stevens asking there would be some berming such as was done for the Target <br />data center project. Mr. Barnhart stated yes there would be some berming along Business <br />Center Drive. Commissioner Stevens stated it appears the north elevation shows a long and <br />unbroken wall. Mr. Barnhart stated that was correct, and explained that requiring breaks <br />would have little visual impact, due to the 400+ feet separation between the building and <br />Business Center Drive. <br />Commissioner Anderson asked for clarification on the ponding. Mr. Maurer explained that <br />the storm water system is designed to accommodate two 100-year back-to-back storms with <br />no outlet, and that the system will tie into the storm sewer system on Business Center Drive. <br />Commissioner Anderson asked if the cooling tower could be located on the other side of the <br />building. Commissioner Scott stated that apparently the Mississippi Road residents do not <br />have a concern, since they were not here. <br />Chair Lemke opened the public hearing. There being no one else to speak to this issue, <br />Chair Lemke closed the public hearing. <br />Corrunissioner Anderson asked why the access would not line up with 183rd Avenue. City <br />Engineer Terry Maurer explained that the due to the nature of the facility and security needs, <br />the applicant is concerned that an access at 183rd Avenue would provide a straight path from <br />183rd Avenue up to the side of their building. Mr. Maurer stated that the access location <br />proposed by the applicant onto Waco Street was acceptable, given their safety concerns and <br />traffic flow in the area. <br />MOTION BY COMMISSIONER WESTGAARD AND SECONDED BY <br />COMMISSIONER OFFERMAN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE <br />REQUEST BY UNITED HEALTH GROUP FOR A LAND USE AMENDMENT <br />