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<br />Page 2 <br />Regular lneetlllg of tIle Elk River Mwricipal Utilities COI1Ulussion <br />October 10, 2006 <br /> <br />Tl1eresa Slonllnski gave all update 011 the IRS isslle. TIle recel1t Power Managers User <br />Grollp (pMUG) conferellce was \'ery uliormative. SI1e gave a "lleads up" that some new <br />procedures aJ.ld progra111S will be unplemented to allo\v collectiol1 of social security numbers. <br />A custoll1er privacy policy llild llltelnal policy will be presented at the next llleeting. James <br />Tralle asked about the security tl1at would be in place for the se11sitive information. <br />Staff responded it would be locked up and only available to enlployees that would be assigned <br />to \vork \vitIl this lle\V isslle. Jerry Takle asked 110W tile website is gOlllg and Theresa replied <br />tl1at s11e Ilopes it \vill be ready in a few weeks. <br /> <br />5.2 Update Ne\v Data Center Facilitv <br />The disCllssio11S \vitl1 United HealtIl Group COl1tlllue to nlove forward. TIle pIall is to close <br />011 tIle property in JaIl11alY of2007 aJ.ld start COl1shuction III Marcil of2007 witll COll1pIetion <br />plaI11led for Jlllle of2008. TIley \vilI start taking po\ver for testlllg in January 2008. The initial <br />service agree11lellt was revie\ved along \vitIl t11e drawing and location of tile new proposed <br />feeder. Estimated cost of the ne\v feeder is $950,000 and substatio11 is estul1ated to cost <br />$2,130,000. We are solicitulg bids for tIle 69kv traJ.lsfolmers needed for tIle 11ew substation 011 <br />Waco. <br /> <br />5.3 Re\rie,y GRE Wholesale Electric Rate <br />Tile recelltly conlpleted electric retail rate study by R.W. Beck assmned a wllolesale rate <br />lllcrease of 6.90/0. In recellt discussioll \vitll COlmexlls and GRE, tIle rate increase is more in <br />tIle 4.9% raJ.lge. AltllOllgll tIle details of the lllcrease are still unlalown, tIns 2% difference in <br />liritial versus projected \vllolesale rate is approxi111ately a $220,000 swing. In 2008 GRE is <br />projected to sinlplify tIle rate structure by going back to Olle rate instead of a base 8l1d grOwtll <br />rate bllt ,viII be USUlg a C1itical Peak priClllg scheme. Discussion followed regarding the 2008 <br />GRE proposed rate shuchrre. <br /> <br />5.4 Re\rie\v Proposed 2007 Health Insurance Costs <br />Staffhas Inet \vitl1 Jodi Berge, Ollr accoUllt execlltive \vitll David Martill Agellcy, regardulg <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities 2007 11ealtl1 lllsurance rates. The relle\val is a 7.4% increase for <br />2007. The illS1lraI1Ce task group that met last year willlneet again to revie\v the insurance plans <br />a11d discuss alternative plans for tile future. <br /> <br />5.5 Revie,y 2007 Expense Bud2et <br />Ollf COllservation Inlprovenle11t Progrcul1 (CIP) is reqllired to spend 1.5% of gross electric <br />revenlles or $232,500 for 2007. TIle proposed 2007 eIP blldget totallllg $451,760 ofwhicl1 <br />GRE is contriblltlllg $351,750 llild we are COlltributlllg $100,010 was revie\ved. <br />TIle proposed 2007 electric 8l1d \vater expense budgets were also reviewed. James TralIe <br />qllestioned if neigllboring cOllununities \vere raising tIleir rates like us. Bryan Adanls replied <br />that tIle Elk River's hikes lnay be slightly lligller due to the growtl1 of tIle COllUlllUUty. <br /> <br />6.1 Revie,v & Consider Bid Tabulation for Water Main Installation <br />On October 9, 2006, bids were received for tIle Guardian A11geIs Water Main Project. A <br />dra\ving reflecting the scope of this project was reviewed. Guardian Angels will be <br />rei111bllfslllg tIle Elk River Mlullcipal Utilities for tlleir pOltio11 oft11e costs. StaffreCol1U11el1ds <br />