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INFORMATION #1 10-16-2006
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INFORMATION #1 10-16-2006
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10/13/2006 11:30:14 AM
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<br />ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES <br />REGULAR IVIEETING OF THE <br />UTILITIES CO lVIlVllSSI 0 N <br /> <br />October 10, 2006 <br /> <br />Melnbers Presellt: Jell)' Takle, Presidellt; JOl111 Dietz, Vice Chair; JaJ.l1es Tralle, Trustee <br />StaffPresellt: BrYa11 Adams, Gelleral MaIlager; Glel1l1 SlUldeell, Lllle SUperllltelldellt; <br />David Berg, Water SUperllltelldellt; Theresa SIOllUnski, Finance Director/Office <br />Manager; Troy Adanls, Engllleerlllg Manager; Judy McSpadden, Recording <br />Clerk <br /> <br />1. Call meetin2 to order October 1011 2006 <br />Presidellt Jerry Takle called tile October 10, 2006, l11eetulg to order. <br /> <br />2. Consider Utilities A2enda <br />Bryan Adall1S added two itelllS for discussion ul1der otl1er bllsiness. J all1eS Tralle 1110ved to <br />approve the October 10, 2006, Utilities Agenda as amended. Jo1m Dietz seconded the motion. <br />Moti011 carried 3-0. <br /> <br />3. Consider Consent A1!enda <br />JOml Dietz qllestiol1ed tIle overtlll1e 1101U.S. Glelul Sluldee11 responded tl1at the cre\vs jllst <br />fulished SW11111er 110urs \vl1icl1 \vere lID1e 110l1r days. JOl111 Dietz l1ad questio11S on the fulal.1cials, <br />staff responded. Janles Tralle 11loved to approve the COllsellt Agenda as follows: <br /> <br />Septell1ber Clleck Register <br />Septelllber20,2006,~llnrtes <br />FUlallCials <br /> <br />JOl111 Dietz secol1ded tIle 1110tio11. Moti011 caIlied 3-0. <br /> <br />5.1 Staff Up-dates <br />Bryan AdalTIS app1ised tile COllll1llssio11 011 tIle status of conmlents regarding lllllltiple <br />jlU1ction boxes and or transformers in yards. There will be a future meeting with other utilities <br />SUCll as telepllone and cable TV to discuss options on aesthetics. Elk River Municipal Utilities <br />1las received State approval 011 tile cOlllparable \VOrtll progranl and tIle American De11tal <br />Associatioll sellt a celiificate of appreciatioll for 50 years of\vater flu01idation. <br />Glel1l1 Slmdeell11pdated tIle C1UTel1t electrical projects alld rebuilds. TIle 14 Statioll is <br />COll1plete alld Bank 2 is ready to be energized. Recently tl1ere "vas all1ll1expected outage on <br />COlUlty Road 13 tl1at had over 100 customers vvitl101lt po\ver. A cross-ann broke 011 tIle feeder <br />lille and for safety reaS011S GlelTIl lllade the call to dislupt power. <br />Troy AdalTIS said tIle locator that 11as beell on l11edicalleave is 110W back nlll time. Troy <br />stated tIle 11ew oil filled switches that \vere pllfchased will be atl asset. <br />David Berg reported 2411ew lllquiries \vllich resulted in 12 sales of security systems. John <br />Dietz asked if tile Utilities 11ave beell advertising tlleir 1110nit01TIlg fees, staff responded t11at it is <br />011 tIle Seclmty adveliisement snIffers t11at are sellt vvith tile bills. Tile \vater pressllre on MaUl <br />Street & Jacksol1 "vas lovvered to acconul1odate new COI1Shuctiol1, atld 11as since beell rehu1led <br />to 1101111a1 presslrre. Staff11as beell busy \vitll \vell and valve nlaintel1ance. <br />
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