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Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes Page 7 <br />May 8, 2024 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Commissioner Niziolek asked about the potential for using the space the compost site is on at Oak <br />Knoll. Mr. Stremcha said it would also be just as easy to acquire the houses along Proctor for more <br />room. He reiterated that these concepts are a moving target. <br /> <br />Commissioner Stewart asked if this proposal could be redone, and Mr. Stremcha explained that we are <br />maxed out on the budget for this project. Chair Anderson shared that he feels the plan should start <br />over with the current commissioners partially because no one that was on the original subcommittee <br />for the project is still on the board. <br /> <br />Commissioner Niziolek pointed out that what youth are doing in 10 years could change. Mr. Stremcha <br />said that is why the project is phased out. Things can be changed as the project moves forward. Mr. <br />Stremcha said it is good to have a concept, but we still need to fund all of this, and that could take 20 <br />years. <br /> <br />Commissioner Niziolek asked if staff had the trending numbers for field projection. Mr. Stremcha <br />confirmed that about a year ago HKGi presented the trending numbers and that trends can continue <br />to change all the way up until the buildout of each phase. <br /> <br />Chair Anderson asked about seating at the PT Complex. Mr. Stremcha reminded the commission that <br />at the last meeting it was brought up to add berms around the fields for viewing. Chair Anderson <br />asked why they would not want to add bleachers. Mr. Stremcha said the idea was to create a blanketed <br />feel and less cost and that we could leave space for bleachers. Mr. Stremcha said another option <br />would be to berm one side and put bleachers on the other. Also, if the intention is to have yard chairs, <br />then it would be best not to have berms. <br /> <br />Chair Anderson said that he would feel more comfortable with a “conceptional plan” vs. a master <br />plan. Mr. Stremcha reiterated that at the end of the day the commission can change things in a master <br />plan all the way up until the time amenities and features are built out. A master plan or concept plan is <br />what staff, professional consultants and the commission have planned out, but those items can change <br />as projects come up in the timeline. <br /> <br />Commissioner Niziolek asked if there was a budget plan for the athletic fields master plan. Mr. <br />Stremcha confirmed that funding would come from bonding and park dedication cash for the <br />beginning in 2026. Chair Anderson asked about dimensions on the fields due to concerns about <br />seating and space for kids to walk in between the fields. <br /> <br />Commissioner Loidolt pointed out that currently the city does not have additional land anywhere to <br />dedicate as a blank slate for fields and the youth in this community new updated fields now. <br />He believes that the commission should act now and pivot if the city comes across more land later. <br />Chair Anderson said that he wants to look at other options for land and not just jam stuff into the <br />field areas that currently exist. <br /> <br />Commissioner Loidolt asked Mr. Stremcha if HKGi could give the Commission the scale of <br />measurements for the distance between fields. Chair Anderson would then like to go over the <br />concepts with all seven commissioners. <br /> <br />Page 9 of 27