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Parks and Recreation Commission Pacekt 06-12-2024 (3)
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Parks and Recreation Commission Pacekt 06-12-2024 (3)
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Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes Page 6 <br />May 8, 2024 <br /> <br /> <br />ones but not the same with complexes. He shared that he thinks the athletic complexes are not <br />providing the neighborhood feeling and usage and driving economy when they are so far out. <br /> <br />Commissioner Loidolt said that satellite fields like Oak Knoll were hard to staff when he used to <br />schedule them. He thinks that fields are better when they are regionalized because they are compact <br />with everything needed in one place and kids of different ages can all play together. <br /> <br />Mr. Stremcha shared that the Blaine complex location experienced buildup around the location due to <br />the usage. He shared that in our case the HWY 10 corridor just needs to be built up in general and <br />that would support users of the PT Complex. Mr. Stremcha appreciates the work that HKGi has done <br />so far, and it is time to move forward with a plan. He pointed out that the master plan is a <br />conceptional plan to be used as a guide, creating a framework focusing on priorities until it is built and <br />budgeted for, nothing is set in stone. Changes could be made as each phase is done if necessary. <br /> <br />Commissioner Niziolek asked how the school district figures into the plan regarding Oak Knoll. Mr. <br />Stremcha shared that the plan is for the Tech Center and Ivan Sands school to be demolished by <br />2026. The school district is already on board with this plan. The current phasing set up in the athletic <br />fields master plan fits all the needs of each current complex, any interested parties and project plans. <br /> <br />Commissioner Niziolek asked if the compost site by Public Works will remain in the same location. <br />He shared concerns about the smell that he feels should be addressed. Mr. Stremcha confirmed that <br />the compost site will remain in the same location. <br /> <br />Commissioner Loidolt asked about creating screening or a sound block of some kind along the train <br />tracks. Commissioner Niziolek suggested that they collaborate with the school district to start planting <br />trees along the train tracks as soon as possible so they have time to start growing. <br /> <br />Chair Anderson said that for 50 million dollars we would be better off starting with a new piece of <br />land and starting from scratch. Chair Anderson shared concerns about how close the fields are to each <br />other at Oak knoll already and that it is being redesigned to be put back together just as tight. Chair <br />Anderson shared concerns that for 50 million dollars if the goal is to build better quality, the fields are <br />still spread out and all the amenities appear jammed together. <br /> <br />Chair Anderson mentioned that there was some discussion in the past about adding a miracle field, <br />but they decided not to do it. He questioned if that is something the commission would be interested <br />in doing now. Mr. Stremcha said he does not think it hurts to include it even if it moves the timeline <br />out since all the projects would be subject to funding anyway. This project would be funded by bonds <br />and potentially a local option sales tax. <br /> <br />Commissioner Niziolek mentioned that the two ball fields at Lion John Weicht Park would still be <br />sitting in the middle of nowhere while the other fields are all out everywhere else. <br />Commissioner Niziolek asked why the City of Elk River cannot create a mini version of the City of <br />Blaine complex. He shared that the gravel pits could create a larger landscape to work with if it were <br />possible to take those over. <br /> <br />Commissioner Loidolt said that the design for the fields in Oak Knoll is very comparable to the <br />current pinwheel at PT Complex. He also shared that flying balls come flying from all directions and <br />the only way to prevent getting hit is to raise the fences higher. <br />Page 8 of 27
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