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<br />In addition to the new barn, a large silage storage area will be developed west of the barn and the new concrete <br />manure pit will be south of the facility. New parking and drive lanes will be added around the building to support <br />the expanding operation. Access to the facility will utilize existing drive lanes and access points on the site, no <br />impacts to existing rights-of-way are proposed. <br /> <br />Building and Fire Codes <br />City staff have met with the applicant and their design team on multiple occasions to discuss the building and fire <br />codes that the building will need to meet. Staff’s analysis of the proposal requires full compliance with state <br />building codes as the facility is a research and development operation. Cargill and their team continue to work <br />with city staff to ensure the building meets all applicable codes. <br /> <br />Applicable Regulations <br />In approving a Conditional Use Permit, the council may impose such specific conditions with regard to the <br />development or operation of the proposed use as it considers necessary to satisfy the seven standards set forth in <br />Section 30-654 and the requirements contained in this article and to promote compatibility with and minimize any <br />potentially adverse effects upon adjacent properties, the neighborhood or the city. <br /> <br />The issuance of a Conditional Use Permit can be ordered only if the use at the proposed location: <br />1. Will not endanger, injure or detrimentally affect the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity or the public <br />health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. <br />The property has operated as an agricultural research facility for quite some time. The surrounding <br />properties are also owned and operated by the applicant, which support the existing Agricultural Research <br />Uses. The dairy barn, manure pit, and silage bag pad are located southwest of the existing facilities, but all <br />improvements comply with required setbacks and zoning standards. <br /> <br />Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> <br />2. Will be consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />The property is guided for agricultural uses and the proposed use is consistent with the long-term vision <br />for the area. <br /> <br />Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> <br />3. Will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property. <br />The surrounding parcels are owned and operated by the applicant and support their agricultural research <br />operations. <br /> <br />Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> <br />4. Will be served adequately by and will not adversely affect essential public facilities and services including streets, police and fire <br />protection, drainage, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems, parks and schools; and will not, in particular, create traffic <br />congestion or interference with traffic on adjacent and neighboring public thoroughfares. <br />The new facility must comply with state building codes regarding fire suppression and safety. This may <br />require installation of a fire sprinkler system, which may be possible through the expansion of public <br />utilities in the area. The proposed dairy operation will not negatively impact any public services or <br />facilities. <br /> <br />Staff included a condition that the dairy facility must meet all state building codes. <br />