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5.5a ERMUSR 02-13-2024
City Government
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Utilities Commission
5.5a ERMUSR 02-13-2024
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Exhibit A: Statement of Work <br />1.0 Scope of Work Summary <br />The Contractor shall make a significant attempt to install 100% of the active meter/modules, other than any <br />pre -agreed upon excluded meters before proceeding to the next metered location installations. During the <br />term of this SOW, Contractor shall be expected to perform Services and manage the deployment process <br />according to the Deployment Schedule. Contractor responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, <br />scheduling meter replacements, removing meters, installing meters, retrofitting AMI modules with existing <br />water meters, inventory management, operating cross -dock facilities, tracking and reporting on project <br />metrics and field deployment completion data, interface development, data file exchanges, and Work <br />Management. Contractor will work with the Utility to make 3 attempts to exchange a meter before turning it <br />back to the Utility (all three attempts are included in the pricing set forth below). The Utility will provide all <br />new meters, new meter storage, material logistic support and temporary space to house de -installed meters. <br />All National Electric Safety Code, American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and OSHA guidelines will be <br />observed and followed by the Contractor. Any problems found on site by the Contractor's employees will be <br />reported immediately to the Utility. A review of services will be conducted at the end of Phase I installation <br />activities. <br />2.0 Definitions <br />"AMI" shall mean Advanced Metering Infrastructure. <br />"Black -Out Window" the time defined by Utility when Contractor must not complete meter exchanges. <br />"Certified Installed" shall mean those meters installed that have passed all QA processes with data being <br />delivered to the Utility. <br />"CIS Data" shall mean the data file of work orders provided by Utility to Contractor from its customer <br />information system NISC. <br />"Cycle" shall mean billing cycles that contain Routes. <br />"Deployment Schedule" shall mean the mutually agreed upon schedule developed by Contractor and Utility <br />to support the scope set forth in this Statement of Work. <br />"Handheld" shall mean an electronic device (iPhone) or equivalent running Windows or Android on the latest <br />version available from the manufacturer that is compatible with, and incorporated into, Contractor's <br />software. <br />"Installation Attempt" shall mean physical visits, phone calls, letters, and other means to contact the End - <br />User Customer. <br />"Endpoint" shall mean new AMI meter, new AMI meter and module or a new AMI module to be retrofitted <br />with an existing water meter. <br />"End -User Customers" shall mean utility customers of Elk River Municipal Utilities. <br />"Installation Workshops" shall mean the structured startup Workshops led by Contractor for Utility staff to <br />138 <br />
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