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5.5a ERMUSR 02-13-2024
City Government
Boards and Commissions
Utilities Commission
5.5a ERMUSR 02-13-2024
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2.9 Call center: services to schedule water Endpoint installation. For revisits for electric meter installations, <br />appointments would be made by either the Installer or through the Call Center. <br />2.10 Customer -Facing Appointment Web site: to allow End -User Customers to schedule their appointments <br />and to make changes to scheduled appointments. <br />2.11 Installation Workshops: Work session between Utility and Contractor to talk through and agree on the <br />planned installation processes, including new installer Onboarding training required. <br />2.12 Installation Project Management: Contractor is responsible for all hiring, all installation reporting, <br />installation quantity control of workmanship, scheduling, inventory management, coordination with utility <br />staff, and supervision of all staff, including call center and staff not directly assigned to Utility. Facilitate <br />meetings with utility and Installation leads including weekly project management meetings and monthly <br />management team meetings. <br />2.13 Certified and Unreachable Meters: Document all successful EnclPoint change -outs and locations. All <br />document meters/accounts that are determined to be not possible to install where problems exist beyond <br />the Contractor's control. <br />2.14 Reporting: For both planned EnclPoint installation, successfully completed installations and installations <br />where the End -User Customer failed to be available for the scheduled deployment. Some examples of the <br />reporting include: 1) scheduled and planned EnclPoint installation, 2) Summary of installation successfully <br />completed (Certified), 3) Inventory report, 4) Escalations with accounts returned to utility for support i.e. <br />meter bypass, bad wiring, bad dog etc. 5) other Escalations due to problems, 6) installations completed daily <br />and running tally for the week, 7) installations completed by installer and number of escalations by installer. <br />2.15 Installation Work Hours: Electric Meter Installation Times: Normal hours for the Contractor to work in <br />the field doing meter installations at End -User Customer premises should never be before or after daylight <br />hours, typically before 8 AM or after 5 PM Monday to Friday for most instances, unless requested by the <br />End -User Customer. The hours can be extended past 5 PM in the summer months when the daylight is <br />longer but not before 8 AM, unless requested by the End -User Customer. The specific installation time is to <br />be coordinated monthly between Contractor and Utility. Water Meter Working Hours for Customer <br />Appointments: 7:00 am until 7:00 PM Monday -Friday and 8:00 to 5 PM on Saturdays. Special circumstances <br />outside of these hours must have prior authorization from Utility. <br />2.16 Black -Out Window: Utility will define when Contractor must not complete meter exchanges. During <br />Installation Work sessions, Contractor and Utility shall agree on a route release schedule that ensures routes <br />and billing cycles will be released to the Contractor in a manner such that installations can continue on <br />certain routes / billing cycles while others are in black -out. The black -out dates are listed in Black -Out <br />Schedule (Attachment III) <br />140 <br />
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