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Subpart 1. Summary of average retail utility energy rate. A summary of the qualifying facilities that <br />are currently served under average retail utility energy rate. <br />Subp. 2. Other qualifying facilities. A summary of the qualifying facilities that are not currently <br />served under average retail utility energy rate. <br />Subp. 3. Wheeling. A summary of the wheeling undertaken with respect to qualifying facilities. <br />Part F. PURCHASE AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS <br />Subpart 1. Requirement to purchase. The utility shall purchase energy and capacity from any <br />customer who offer to sell energy and capacity from a qualifying facility to the utility and agrees to <br />the conditions in these rules. <br />Subp. 2. Written contract. A written contract shall be executed between a customer seeking to <br />interconnect a qualifying facility and the utility. <br />Part G. EXCLUSIVE SERVICE RIGHT RETAINED <br />The utility reserves its right to be the exclusive provider of electric service to all present and future <br />customers in its service area as provided for in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 216B.40-44. The utility, <br />therefore, refuses permission to interconnect or to continue to purchase energy produced from a <br />facility not owned or leased at a fixed periodic payment amount by the electric utility account holder for <br />the premise upon which the facility is located, unless that right is explicitly waived in writing by the <br />utility for the specified facility. <br />Part H. ELECTRICAL CODE COMPLIANCE <br />Subpart 1. Compliance; standards. The interconnection between the qualifying facility and the utility <br />must comply with the requirements in the most recently published edition of the National Electrical <br />Safety Code issued by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The interconnection is subject <br />to subparts 2 and 3. <br />Subp. 2. Interconnection. A customer with a qualifying facility is responsible for complying with all <br />applicable local, state, and federal codes, including building codes, the NationalElectrical Code <br />(NEC), the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), and noise and emissions standards. The utility shall <br />require proof that the qualifying facility is in compliance with the NEC before the interconnection is <br />made. The customer seeking to interconnect a qualifying facility must obtain installation approval <br />from an electrical inspector recognized by the Minnesota State Board of Electricity. <br />Subp. 3. Generation system. A qualifying facility's generation system and installation must comply <br />with the American National Standards Institute/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers <br />(ANSI/IEEE) standards applicable to the installation. <br />Part I. RESPONSIBILITY FOR APPARATUS <br />A customer seeking to interconnect a qualifying facility, without cost to the utility, must <br />furnish, install, operate, and maintain in good order and repair any apparatus the qualifying facility <br />needs in order to operate in accordance with schedule 3. <br />52 <br />