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Subp. 23. Utility. "Utility" means Elk River Municipal Utilities. <br />Part B. SCOPE AND PURPOSE <br />The purpose of these rules is to implement certain provisions of MinnesotaStatutes Section <br />21613.164; the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, United States Code, title 16, §824a-3; <br />and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulations, Code of Federal Regulations, title 18, <br />part 292. These rules shall be applied in accordance with their intent to give the maximum possible <br />encouragement to cogeneration and small power production consistent with protection of the <br />utility's ratepayers and the public. <br />Part C. FILING REQUIREMENTS <br />The utility shall file for review and approval by the governing body, a cogeneration and small <br />power production tariff containing schedules 1— 3 and shall thereafter file annual updates of <br />schedules 1 and 2 in the first quarter of the year. Schedule 3's contents shall remain the standing <br />guidance unless and until the utility files changes. <br />SCHEDULE 1. <br />Schedule 1 shall contain the calculation of the average retail utility energy rates for each utility <br />customer class. <br />SCHEDULE 2. <br />Schedule 2 shall contain the rates at which the utility purchases energy and capacity. If the <br />utility has more than one wholesale supplier, schedule 2 shall contain the rates of that supplier from <br />which purchases may first be avoided. <br />SCHEDULE 3. <br />Schedule 3 shall contain or indicate by reference to a publicly available document the utility's <br />interconnection process, or "distributed generation tariff" adopted in compliance with Minnesota <br />Statutes Section 21613.1611, subd. 3(2), including standard contract forms to be used with customers <br />interconnecting qualifying facilities as well as general technical interconnection and interoperability <br />requirements. <br />The utility shall also adopt technical specifications with utility -specific safety standards, <br />technical requirements for distributed energy resource systems, required operating procedures for <br />interconnected operations, and the functions to be performed by any control and protective <br />apparatus. <br />Part D. AVAILABILITY OF FILINGS <br />All filings shall be maintained at the utility's general office and any other offices of the utility <br />where rate tariffs are kept. The filings shall be made available for public inspection during normal <br />business hours. The utility shall supply the current year's distributed generation rates, <br />interconnection procedures and application form on the utility website, if practicable, or at the <br />utility office. <br />Part E. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS <br />The utility shall report to the governing body for its review and approval an annual report <br />including information in subparts 1-3. The utility shall also comply with other federal and state <br />reporting of distributed generation to federal and state agencies expressly required by statute. <br />51 <br />