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a. Where screening is not required, barrier style curb B612 shall be installed to define the limits of the <br />approved outdoor storage area. <br />To help reduce visibility from the road, staff recommend the condition from the previously approved CUP of - <br />"Business materials/equipment (excluding vehicles) shall not be higher than six (6) feet in the storage area" be <br />included. <br />The purpose of the outdoor storage ordinance is to outline screening requirements (fencing and/or berming) as <br />well as defining the limits of the approved storage area to prevent area creep. Per the ordinance, the entire storage <br />area needs to be paved with an approved surface (class 5, asphalt, concrete) and shall be completely screened from <br />view where the barrier is allowed to reduce visibility but is not required to totally block the vision. In other words, <br />the area needs to have a full barrier but does not need to be 100% opaque, a chain -link fence with fabric mesh for <br />example. <br />The commission should review the submitted site plan and determine if the proposal meets the screening <br />requirements or if they would like to see the outdoor storage area limits more clearly defined with either <br />fencing/screening and gates, the use of concrete barrier style curb B612, or large landscape boulders. The <br />commission may add a condition requiring a fence and/or gate to be installed between the house and accessory <br />structure to screen views into the storage area from the right-of-way. Staff recommend large landscape boulders <br />and screening between the house and accessory structure. <br />Employees <br />While the business employees 10-20 employees, only a few will be on site during the day as the rest will meet on <br />the job site. Their vehicles will be parked in the outdoor storage area. The commission can recommend a limit on <br />the number of employees on site if needed. <br />Structures <br />The applicant indicated they will not be using any structures on site for the business. Any future use of these <br />structures, including storage and routine maintenance/repair of vehicles and equipment, will require an <br />amendment to the IUP. The building department would then review the plans to ensure they have been prepared <br />by an architect, and ensure they meet commercial building codes. <br />Public Comments <br />Staff received a question from two residents asking why property owners farther away from the subject parcel are <br />not notified and why notices are not sent out earlier. State statute requires notification of property owners within <br />350 feet, but the city council expanded the notification area to property owners within 500 feet. When a property <br />is near the city limits, staff also reach out to the neighboring communities. Ten property owners in Elk River were <br />notified of this IUP and four in Anoka County. Public hearing letters were mailed to residents in the 500-foot <br />area on January 12, 2024. <br />State statute also states public hearing shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in <br />the town, municipality, or other area concerned, and in the official newspaper of the county, at least ten days <br />before the hearing. The hearing shall consist of notice of the time, place, and purpose of any public hearing. <br />The public notice was published in the Star News January 13, 2024. <br />Staff received two emails opposing the proposed residential occupation citing noise, increased traffic, loud <br />equipment, dumping of materials on the property, working outside of approved CUP hours, and property <br />