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The applicant received a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in 2022 (CU 22-19) to operate a landscaping business with <br />outdoor storage of business equipment and materials. <br />Last year the applicant installed concrete retaining block storage bins over concrete pads/footings for various <br />landscaping materials such as rock, mulch, and gravel. The bins were installed outside of the previously approved <br />area, so staff contacted the applicant to let them know they need to apply for an IUP. The applicant applied and is <br />seeking an IUP to expand the 2022 outdoor storage area for landscaping materials to include pallets of blocks, and <br />small quantities or rock, mulch, stone, and gravel. <br />The applicant has shared several emails with city staff (attached) outlining what improvements have been <br />completed on the structures and property, further details on the request, other residential occupations in the area, <br />and property values. <br />The nearest neighboring structure to the proposed outdoor storage area is approximately 500 feet away with a fair <br />amount of mature vegetation between them. The updated residential occupation ordinance requires a setback <br />requirement of 50 feet from neighboring structures. Depending on the time of year, materials and vehicles in the <br />existing and proposed outdoor storage area can be seen from the road. <br />Screening Section 30-807 <br />The applicant stated their screening consists of existing landscape berms, 3'-6' tall, with 8'-16' tall trees. The <br />location of the berms/screening is shown with white lines on the applicant submitted site plan. As the <br />commission is aware, the city recently amended its residential occupation ordinance. During that process, there <br />was a great deal of discussion centered around whether outdoor storage should be allowed and how to minimize <br />the impacts of that on neighboring residential properties. To minimize the impacts, the commission and council <br />approved these regulations in the ordinance: allowing outdoor storage on lots that are 5 acres or larger, a setback <br />of 50-feet from existing buildings, and the need to follow Section 30-807 Outdoor Storage, which states: <br />(2) Approved outdoor storage areas must be paved with an approved surface in accordance with section 30- <br />900(a). <br />(5) Outdoor storage areas shall be completely screened from view within all public rights -of -way and commercial <br />or residentially zoned parcels. This requirement shall include gates constructed of the same screening material <br />that can be closed when not in use. <br />a. Screening must provide a visual barrier. Any such barrier shall reduce visibility in a manner that restricts <br />vision of the object being screened, but is not required to totally block the vision of any such object <br />b. Screening shall consist of one of the two following methods. <br />1. A screening fence of at least six feet and constructed of one or more of the following materials: <br />(i) Wood; <br />(ii) Factory finished metal or vinyl panels; <br />(iii) Chain link with vinyl slats. The slats must be maintained at all times and must be replaced <br />within 30 days at the request of the city. <br />2. An earthen berm of at least three feet in height with a mixed hedge of evergreen and deciduous plant <br />materials. <br />(i) Plant materials must include a variety of shrubs, ornamental trees, and overstory/evergreen trees. <br />Shrubs must be at least three feet tall at the time of installation and the plan must be approved by <br />city staff. <br />(ii) Earthen berms shall not have a slope of more than three feet horizontal to one foot vertical or be <br />located within any street right-of-way unless otherwise approved by the city engineer. <br />(6) Outdoor storage areas abutting an adjacent industrial zoned parcel are not required to be screened. <br />