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07-12-2023 PR MIN
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Parks and Recreation Commission
P&R Minutes
2020 - Current
07-12-2023 PR MIN
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Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes <br />July 12, 2023 <br />Page 4 <br />commission that this is a good opportunity, and it is agreeable to have the funds be used for site <br />improvements. <br />Chair Williams spoke with Mr. Hickman and staff about this and the only concern he had, that was <br />not stated in the staff report, is if the money coming into the Youth Athletic Complex needs to stay <br />with YAC and not be included in the Parks and Recreation budget. <br />The Commission agrees to move forward. <br />7.2 Park System Playground Replacements <br />Mr. Hecker presented the staff report. There are many capital playground replacements to be done <br />between 2024 and 2028. Fresno Park, scheduled for replacement in 2028, looks to be in the most <br />need of replacement according to our certified playground inspectors on our Parks Maintenance staff. <br />The basketball court was removed from Fresno Park so the courts could be upgraded at Country <br />Crossings Park. Mississippi Oaks Park is scheduled for replacement in 2027. Country Crossings Park <br />is scheduled for replacement in 2025. Riverplace Park is scheduled for replacement in 2026. Highlands <br />Park is scheduled for replacement and has unique features that are not in other parks. Mr. Hecker <br />asked if the commission has a desire to replace all the playgrounds or combine some. <br />Chair Williams shared one of the things discussed at the Fields Master Planning meeting was an idea <br />of condensing things into certain areas, such as one park will have basketball court, one will have a <br />playground, etc. <br />Commissioner Niziolek shared we should determine number of users at each playground with a <br />survey and have it done before the commission has this conversation. That will guide us to make a <br />sound decision for the community. <br />Commissioner Anderson thinks there should be a work session with maintenance staff to make an <br />informed decision. <br />Mr. Hecker said we should kick off the Park Improvement Fund and Park Dedication Fund <br />discussions at an upcoming meeting. <br />Commissioner Niziolek shared we should investigate the status of the park property to see if it can be <br />sold if we remove the playground. He does not suggest removing any parks, but it would be good to <br />know if it is possible to sell the land. <br />Chair Williams stated if the land was park dedication it is nearly impossible to sell it. <br />Councilmember Beyer thinks it is a great idea to do a survey. He asked if staff could give a written <br />observation of every piece of equipment. Mr. Hecker confirmed they can and shared that we have two <br />certified playground inspectors. <br />I I I E A ( I I r <br />NAR)RE <br />
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