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n. Welding. <br />o. OtheY objectionable uses as determined by the cityr council. <br />(6) Signage greater than four (4) square feet. <br />(7) Adversel�T affect governmental facilities and services, including roads, sanitar�T se�vers, <br />`vater, storm drainage, garbage service, electrical services, police and fire service, sensitive <br />environmental features, including lakes, surface water and underground water supply and <br />qualityT, wetlands, slopes, floodplains, and soils, or other. <br />(c) PeT�nitted bolne occupations. PeYmitted Home occupations (occupation) shall be allo�ued subject <br />to the conditions of this section, other applicable cit�T ordinances and state la�vs and statutes. <br />If the cit�r denies establishment of an occupation to a Yesident, the Yesident mayr appeal the <br />decision pursuant to the provisions of subdivision II of division 2 of this article. Permitted <br />occupations are subject to the follo`ving criteria: <br />(1) No noise, lights, odors, dust, gas, heat, vibration, glare, or other phyTsical <br />manifestarions resulting from the occupation shall be evident beyond the <br />boundaries of the propertyT on which the occupation is being conducted. <br />(2) Use equipment `vhich is not normallyT found in a home (such as, but not limited to, <br />stationaryT power tools and salon seats), except that equipment which is tyTpicallyT in <br />an office matir be used. <br />(3) The occupation shall not require internal or external construction features not <br />customaril�T found in single-famil�r residential dwellings. <br />(4) A maximum of one full-time employTee, or equivalent, other than those persons who <br />customarilyT reside on the premises shall be employTed. <br />(5) Occupations involving teaching shall not exceed t�vo pupils at a time. <br />(6) Occupations shall not be serviced byT delivery vehicles larger than 26,000 pounds <br />gross vehicle weight. <br />(7) Occupations shall not create a parking demand more than that which can be <br />accommodated in an e�sting drive`vayT or approved surface area, `vhere no vehicle <br />is parked closeY than 15 feet to the curb line oY edge of the paved surface noY is <br />parked within anyT right-of-`vayT. <br />(8) On-site sales shall be limited to those clearlyr incidental to the seYvices provided. <br />(d) Inte�zln ho�ne occupations. Home occupations that do not involve pYohibited activities but <br />exceed the permitted residential occupation criteria mayT be allowed `vith approval of a <br />Interim Use Permit by the city council puYsuant to the provisions of subdivision III of <br />division 2 of this article. The intent of the Interim Use Permit is to evaluate, after a set <br />amount of time, the impact a permitted home occupation is having on the neighborhood or <br />the cit�r. An approved Interim Use PeYmit shall be valid foY a ma�mum of three years oY <br />until the propert�T is sold, �vhichever comes first To maintain a home occupation after the <br />termination period, a new Interim Use PeYmit must be applied foY. This application must be <br />received at least 120 da�Ts prior to the termination date on the existing Interim Use Permit. <br />