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Sec. 30-801. Home occupations. <br />(a) PuT�ose. The purpose of this section is to provide a means, through the establishment of <br />specific standards and procedures, b�T �uhich occupations can be conducted in residential <br />homes, without jeopardizing the Yesidential characteY oY health, safetyr, and general ��elfaYe <br />of the surrounding neighborhood as `vell as the users of the propert�r. In addition, this <br />section is intended to provide a mechanism enabling a distinction bet�veen permitted home <br />occupations and interim home occupations, so that permitted home occupations mayT be <br />allowed through an administrative process rather than a quasi-judicial hearing process. <br />(b) Prohil�ited activities. No home occupations (peYmitted oY interim) shall: <br />(1) Be conducted outside of the dwelling unit (house). <br />(2) Be conducted by an individual �vho does not reside on the propertyT and uses the <br />residence as a primary address for legal purposes. <br />i. Exception. An occupation foY a lessee, oY equivalent, Yesiding on the pYopert�r <br />ma�T be allowed with approval of an Interim Use Permit The permit shall be <br />valid for a ma�mum of three �Tears or until the lessee no longer resides on <br />the parcel, whichever comes first. <br />(3) Operate between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday through SaturdayT and <br />all dayT on SundayT. <br />(4) Constitute a fire hazard to neighboring residences, adversely affect neighboring <br />pYopertyr values, or constitute a nuisance or otherwise be detrimental to the neighboYs <br />because of excessive traffic, noise, g1aYe, odor, electrical inteYference, vibration, dust and <br />otheY nuisance or safetyr hazards. <br />(5) Involve any of the following: <br />a. Ammunition manufacturing. <br />b. BodyT shops. <br />c. Escort businesses. <br />d. Flea markets. <br />e. Gun Yepair and/oY sales. <br />£ Hazardous materials or activities, as defined b�r the iVlinnesota State Building <br />Code. <br />g. Machine shops. <br />h. Motor vehicle repairs. <br />i. 1�lotor vehicle sales. <br />j. Outdoor storage. (not including employee personal vehicle parking) <br />k. Repair of internal combustion engines. <br />1. Sexuallv oriented land uses. <br />m. Wholesale or retail business, unless conducted entirel�T by courier, mail, or email. <br />