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5. LVill not involve uses, activities, processes, lnateTzal�; egu pynent and conditions of opezation that �a�ill l�e detyzJnental to any <br />pe�:sons orpTope��y l�ecause of excessive t�a�c, noise, s�noke, fu�ne�; glaTe, odo�:s, dust o�� vil�Tations. <br />Industrial uses with outdoor storage of wholesale materials are anticipated to generate heavier traffic <br />shipping product in and out daily. The subject parcel is in an industrial park designed for the proposed <br />tyTpe of use and associated traffic. <br />The requirements of screening outlined in Section 30-654 should ensure neighboring properties will not <br />be adversely affected. Staff recommends fencing be along the east and south propertyT line as sho`vn on <br />the Staff Site Plan dated August 22, 2023. <br />6. LVill not � esult in tbe destTz�ction, loss o�� da�nage of a natu�al, scenic o1� histo�zc featuye of lnajor• i�o��ance. <br />The on1yT development on the propertyT will be the proposed fencing. The use will not result in the <br />destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. <br />Staff do not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfyr this standard. <br />7. LVill fully colnply 2a�ith all otbe�� yeguize�nents of this Code, including any applical�le Tequirelnents and standar�s foT• the <br />issuance of a license oz•pe��nit to estal�lish and operate the proposed use in the city. <br />The use `vill fullyT comply `vith all other requirements of this Code, including an�T applicable requirements <br />and standards for the issuance of a license or permit to establish and operate the proposed use in the cit�T. <br />Staff do not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisf�- this standard. <br />If denial of such a permit should occur, it shall accompanyT recommendations or determinations byT findings or a <br />repoYt stating how the proposed use does not comply with the standaYds set forth in Section 30-654. <br />Financial Impact <br />None <br />Mission/Policy/Goal <br />■ Responsibly grow <br />■ Meet changing needs - Agile <br />Attachments <br />■ Location Map <br />■ Applicant's Narrati`re <br />■ Site Plans <br />■ Staff Site Plan dated August 22, 2023 <br />