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outdoor storage section 30-807 states: Outdoor storage areas shall be completely scYeened from view within all <br />public rights-of-wayT and commercial or residentiallyT zoned parcels. <br />The submitted site plan shows an area of approximatel�T 35,000 sq. ft. of outdoor storage and the site has <br />appro�matel�T 91,000 sq. ft. of available space for outdoor storage. <br />Parking <br />The 120,000 sq. ft. waYehouse space requires 60 stalls, and the 5,000 sq. ft. office space Yequires 17 stalls foY a total <br />of 77 required paYking stalls. CurYently theYe aYe 136 stalls, but the pYoposed outdoor stoYage is Yemoving 38 stalls <br />�vhich will result in 98 parking stalls. Even byT removing the stalls, the site will meet the required parking. <br />Applicable Regulations <br />In approving a Conditional Use Permit, the council ma�T impose such specific conditions with regard to the <br />development or operation of the proposed use as it considers necessaryT to satisfyT the seven standards set forth in <br />Section 30-654 and the requirements contained in this article and to promote compatibilit�- `vith and minimize an�T <br />potentially adverse effects upon adjacent properties, the neighborhood or the cityT. <br />The issuance of a Conditional Use Permit can be ordered on1yT if the use at the proposed location: <br />1. LVill not en�ngeT; injure oT� det�zlnentally affect the use and enjoylnent of otheT�pTope��y in the ilnlnediate vicinity or• the public <br />bealtb, safety, �noTals, colnfoTfi, convenience or•geneT�al2a�elfaTe of the neigbbozhood oT� the city. <br />Outdoor storage is frequentlyT associated with industrial uses, and with the recommended conditions, the <br />use will not endanger, injure or detrimentally affect the use and enjoyment of other propertyr in the <br />immediate vicinityT or the public health, safetyT, morals, comfort, convenience, or general welfare of the <br />neighborhood or the cityT. <br />2. LVill l�e consistent 2a�ith tbe co�nprehensive plan. <br />The propertyr is guided as Industrial and the industrial use categoryr includes both heavyr and light industrial <br />businesses such as manufacturing, `varehousing, and excavation. These uses are primarilyT located off of <br />Highway- 169, HighwayT 10, and the BNSF Railroad `vhich provide easyT access for the transferring of <br />goods throughout the region. <br />Staff do not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisf�r this standard. <br />3. LVill not iynpede the no��nal and or�eT•ly developynent and inprove7nent of su�7 oundina vacantproper7y. <br />Except for the adjacent cit�T owned propert�T to the `vest, the surrounding area is developed. The use `vill <br />not impede the normal and orderl�T development and improvement of surrounding vacant propert�T. <br />Staff do not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfyT this standard. <br />4. LVill l�e seyved adeguately l�y and aa�ill not adveTsely affect essential pul�lic facilities and seyvices including stT eets, police and fire <br />pTotection, dyainage, yefuse disposal, �a�ater� and se�a�eT• systeyns, paTks and schooLs; and aa�ill not, in paT�iculay, �eate t�a�c <br />congestion or inte�, feTence avitb t�a�c on adjacent and neighl�oTzngpu��lic tboyoughfares. <br />The outdoor storage �vill not adverselyT affect essential public facilities and services including streets, police <br />and fire protection, drainage, Yefuse disposal, tivateY and se�ueY syrstems, paYks and schools; and will not, in <br />particular, create traffic congestion or interference �vith traffic on adjacent and neighboring public <br />thoroughfares. <br />Staff do not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br />