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3. Goals <br />• Improve system resilience and the ability to provide a safe and adequate water supply; <br />• Protect the aquifer ERMU uses for drinking water; <br />• Educate public officials, land owners and the general public about the importance of <br />protecting public drinking water supplies. <br />• Collaborate on a regional basis with other Mt. Simon -Hinckley aquifer users. <br />Implementation: Emphasis will be on educating the public about WHP and developing partnerships with <br />LGUs and state agencies to assist ERMU in implementing the WHP Plan. MDH has WHP grant <br />opportunities to help as does the Sherburne Soil and Water Conservation District. <br />Next Steps: <br />ERMU has submitted the draft WHP plan to surrounding LGUs for a 60 day review period that <br />ended April 3, 2023. ERMU has posted a public notice of this public hearing to hear any comments <br />on the WHP plan. After the public hearing, ERMU takes action to request the draft WHP plan be <br />submitted to MDH for approval. <br />MDH WHP plan review process takes 90 days, therefore, expect approval in July 2023. Various <br />state agencies will review and submit any comments to MDH prior to MDH approval. <br />Upon MDH approval, ERMU must notify LGUs that your WHP plan has been approved by MDH <br />and that implementation of the WHP plan will begin within 60 days of MDH approval. <br />Attachments <br />- ERMU DWSMA Map <br />- Forward of the amended ERMU Wellhead Protection Plan <br />12 <br />