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Elk River Municipal Utilities Wellhead Protection Plan <br />April 11, 2023 <br />Background <br />As a public water provider, the Elk River Municipal Utilities (ERMU) is required by the Minnesota Rules, <br />parts 4720.5100 to 4720.5590 as administered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to develop <br />a plan to 1) understand where their source water comes from and how vulnerable it may be to contamination <br />(Part 1), and 2) identify potential sources of contamination based on geologic vulnerability and management <br />strategies addressing potential contaminants (Part 2). The plan is referred to as Wellhead Protection (WHP). <br />The wellhead rules also require a public water supplier to amend current WHP plans every ten years. This <br />is the second amendment to the ERMU WHP plan. <br />A WHP team formed in January of 2022 to assist in the amendment of Part 2 of the ERMU WHP plan has <br />completed its task. Local governmental units (LGU) and the public have been given the opportunity to <br />review the draft Elk River Municipal Utilities WHP plan. <br />A brief scope of the WHP plan <br />The ERMU Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) covers approximately 17,268 acres <br />(-27 square miles) with about 15,360 acres classified as low vulnerability and 1,908 acres classified as <br />moderately vulnerable (see DWSMA Map attachment). <br />1. Groundwater vulnerability <br />• Nearly 90 percent of the DWSMA is classified as low vulnerability. In the low vulnerable area <br />geologic materials composed of clay -rich glacial sediments and the Eau Claire formation provide <br />protection to the Mount Simon -Hinckley aquifer. Within the low vulnerability areas, the primary <br />threats to the city's aquifer are other wells that reach or penetrate it. <br />Where the DWSMA vulnerability is classified as moderate, pathways exist where water and <br />contaminants may travel from the land surface to the aquifer within a time span of years to decades. <br />Aquifers underlying moderate vulnerability areas are susceptible to several types of contaminant <br />threats, including chemical/petroleum storage tanks and unused or unsealed wells which can <br />provide conduits for contaminants to quickly reach the city's aquifer. <br />2. Components of the Plan <br />• See Forward (attached) <br />• Primary Issues, Opportunities and Problems in the DWSMA: <br />- The City of Elk River population will increase over the next ten years resulting in increased <br />demand for potable water. <br />- ERMU will likely need additional wells or replace primary wells to address increased water <br />demand. <br />- There are over 1,000 wells located within the DWSMA with about 365 of them using the same <br />aquifer as ERMU public water supply wells. <br />- There may be unused or abandoned wells located in the DWSMA that may pose a threat to the <br />aquifer. <br />- The Mt. Simon -Hinckley aquifer is the sole -source of drinking water for Elk River and other <br />entities in the region. <br />- Increased usage of the Mt. Simon -Hinckley aquifer to meet regional water demand is a concern. <br />- ERMU could partner with state agencies and other public/private users of the Mt. Simon - <br />Hinckley aquifer to develop a regional, sustainable use aquifer plan. <br />3 <br />