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7.3. EDSR 12-19-2022
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7.3. EDSR 12-19-2022
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12/15/2022 3:53:07 PM
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12/15/2022 3:51:30 PM
City Government
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check, signed by persons designated by the Authority, except that petty cash funds not exceeding at <br />any time One Hundred Dollars ($100) may be maintained by the Authority. <br />(03) Checks - All checks drawn on bank accounts of the Authority shall indicate the fund and, in the <br />case of a project, the project to be charged. All checks shall be signed by the treasurer and the <br />president. In accordance with Minnesota law, the treasurer has delegated the duty of signing checks <br />to the assistant treasurer. <br />4.6) Records - The books and records of the Authority shall be kept at the Principal Office. <br />4.7) Ongoing Duties. The Authority shall evaluate and consider staff assignments, the status of existing <br />Authority projects, any modifications or amendments to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 - <br />469.1081 and suggested amendments and changes to the Authority's bylaws from time to time as <br />needed. <br />4.8) Official Newspaper. The official newspaper of the Authority shall be the official newspaper of the <br />City of Elk River, unless otherwise determined by resolution of the Authority. <br />ARTICLE 5 - AMENDMENTS <br />5.1) Amendments - These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Authority provided that notice of <br />such proposed amendment shall be given to each commissioner and each member of the governing <br />body of the City prior to such meeting. Amendment of the bylaws shall be in accordance with the <br />procedural and voting requirements established by these bylaws or by resolution of the Authority. <br />5.2) Existinp,,,_Proaects - The Authority shall have no control or authority over any existing economic <br />development or redevelopment project in the City unless specifically so provided by resolution of the <br />city council. If the city council adopts a resolution transferring control, authority and operation of any <br />existing project to the Authority, the Authority shall accept control, authority, and operation of the <br />project. When taking control of an existing project the Authority may exercise all for the powers that <br />the governmental unit established in the project could exercise with respect to the project and shall <br />covenant and pledge to perform the terms, conditions, and covenants of any bond indentures or other <br />agreements executed with respect to the project. <br />5.3) Advisory; Committees - The Authority shall maintain, at their discretion, volunteer advisory committees <br />which will act in an advisory capacity to the Authority. <br />(01) The advisory committees will include without limitation: <br />(a) A joint EDA/HRA Finance Committee which shall consist of (i) two HRA <br />Commissioners appointed by the HRA, (ii) two EDA Commissioners appointed by the EDA, <br />and (iii) five members of the Elk River community consisting of two members of the banking <br />profession, one member of the legal profession, one member of the real estate profession and <br />one member of the community at large each of whom shall be appointed, as needed, by the <br />then -existing members of the Finance Committee to fill any open seat consistent with <br />foregoing community categories; <br />(b) A marketing committee; <br />(c) A prospecting committee; <br />(d) A research and development committee; <br />(e) A beautification committee <br />(02) All members of the advisory committees will be appointed by the Authority. <br />554681v2 GAF EL185-13 <br />
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