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(01) The executive director shall have the duties and responsibilities delegated by these bylaws and as <br />assigned by the Authority. <br />(02) The Authority may delegate to its staff, employees, or agents such powers or duties deemed <br />proper. <br />3.5) Consultants - The Authority may contract for the services of consultants as needed to perform its duties <br />and exercise its powers. <br />(01) The fees, if any, of all contracted agents or consultants of the Authority shall be fixed by the <br />Authority. <br />ARTICLE 4 — FINANCE, CONTRACTS AND OTHER DUTIES <br />4.1) Fiscal Year - The fiscal year of the Authority shall be the same as the fiscal year of the City. <br />4.2) Budpet - The following budgetary proceedings shall apply to the transaction of business: <br />(01) A budget shall be prepared by the treasurer in accordance with the Statute. The treasurer shall <br />present the budget to the Authority each year at such time as established by the Authority. <br />(02) The budget shall include estimated revenues, the source of revenues and an estimate of the <br />amount of money needed from the City, the costs of projects for the ensuing year, the estimated costs <br />for personnel, and the purposes to which money on hand is to be applied, as well as the general <br />administrative and overhead costs estimated for the ensuing year, and a proposed levy. <br />(03) After full consideration of the budget, the Authority shall approve and the president shall submit <br />the budget to the city council. <br />4.3) Financial Statements - Must be prepared, presented, approved, and filed in accordance with Minnesota <br />Statutes Sections 469.096 and 469.100 and other relevant statutes as amended or revised. <br />4.4) Contracts and Procurement <br />(01) All construction work and work of demolition and clearing, contracts for services or for repairs, <br />maintenance and replacements, and every purchase of equipment, supplies or materials and contracts <br />therefore shall be in accordance with the Statute and procurement policies, if any, established by <br />resolution of the Authority. <br />(02) Approval of Contract b° gttomev - Contracts shall be in writing and, except when deemed <br />unnecessary by the Authority or the executive director, shall be approved as to form by the attorney <br />for the Authority. <br />(03) Execution of Contracts - Unless otherwise directed by the Authority, required by law or required <br />by state or federal agencies furnishing funds to the Authority, all purchasing contracts of the <br />Authority shall be executed on behalf of the Authority as provided by the Purchasing Policy set forth <br />in the Financial Management Policies of the City of Elk River, as amended from time to time. Non - <br />purchasing contracts and other instruments of the Authority shall be executed by the president or <br />other officer if the president is unavailable and the executive director or the executive director's <br />delegate. <br />4.5) Disbursements <br />(Ol) FedgtA! Funds - All funds received from the Government of the United States or any of its <br />agencies shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with the regulations or requirements <br />from time to time made by the federal agencies furnishing said funds to the Authority. <br />(02) Official Depository - All monies of the Authority shall be deposited in the name of the Authority <br />in official city depositories in accordance with Minnesota Statutes. Monies shall be disbursed only by <br />554681 v2 GAF EL185-13 <br />