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changed at any timeand that the option is a retention and recruitment tool, adding there <br />is cost in losing employees and training new ones. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bell notedagain that only certain employees receive the benefit and <br />provided background from his professional experience about the disparity in one <br />employee group having work location flexibility while another did not. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bell also noted there are limitations with staff being out of the office and <br />unable to support colleagues. He added if there was a strict schedule for staff to follow he <br />would be more likely to approve the option. <br /> <br />Ms. Youngs was recognized to provide comments. She offered context on the scheduling <br />of remote work for staff, sharing that the schedule is set a month in advance. In the event <br />of becoming short on staff in the office, the representative working remotely knows they <br />will need to come in. <br /> <br />Ms. Youngs added that customer service staff can use technology to communicate with <br />one another and that there are a lot of projects staff can work on remotely. Ms. Youngs <br />advocated for the continuation of the program for retention. There was discussion. <br /> <br />Ms. Karpinski was recognized to provide comments. Ms. Karpinski explained the <br />accounting department’s remote work schedule, sharing that there is always at least one <br />staff member from the department in office. Ms. Karpinski added that in the accounting <br />world there is a lot of hybrid-model remote work positions offered. <br /> <br />Commissioner Nadeau stated his agreement with Chair Dietz that staff should return to <br />the office. <br /> <br />Commissioner Stewart highlighted statistics from Ms. Youngs staff report which <br />demonstrates there are less than 20 walk-in customers a week, adding her opinion that <br />that was a manageable amount for the staff scheduled to be in office under the remote <br />work option. <br /> <br />Mr. Hanson was recognized to provide comments. Mr. Hanson shared the remote work <br />policy from his previous municipal government employer. <br /> <br />Commissioner Westgaard asked if the request is stemming from an extension of the <br />protocols around COVID-19 or a change in corporate policy. Commissioner Westgaard <br />stated if it is a change in policy it should be vetted for validity. <br /> <br />Commissioner Westgaard added his opinion that collaboration becomes more difficult <br />with members of staff working remotely. He added that ERMU must maintain the level of <br />service that customers expect as well as monitor staff productivity. <br /> <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Meeting Minutes <br />September 13, 2022 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />33 <br /> <br />