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<br />Page 8 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Jim - I talked to Jeff on that because you had mentioned that to me. Jeff <br />told me that the cat was on my lot had already cleaned the fill up, and had <br />already taken off the top soil back by my oaks. He thought that maybe I had <br />asked you to do that. He figured that as long as the cat is back there <br />taking dirt off my land , he was going to ask him if he could take a little <br />bit of that hill. <br /> <br />Gerry - We know where the property lines was back there on your lot, and he <br />came over and got the cat and.said I'll pay you to do this. <br /> <br />Jim - The question is were you on my lot taken dirt of before he asked?? <br /> <br />Gerry - No! But anyway, this is something you and I will have to work out <br />because you know with he came over and got the cat. You'll have to <br />discuss that with him. <br /> <br />Jim - He disagrees with that. He says the cat had already taken dirt off my <br />property. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Cliff - A lot of .these issues will probably be pursued through a civil <br />matter. It looks like Jerry that part of this erosion or 4 to 1 slopes is <br />also addressing into his property. I think to achieve the 4 to 1 slope you <br />had to go back onto his property, it looks as though there is new soil <br />plans for that. If you want to take a look at it here, because in order to <br />achieve this. <br /> <br />Jim - Even if he had called the cat over and you wanted to cross my lot. <br /> <br />Jerry - And I should not have done it. <br /> <br />Jim - Did the cat guy forget to lift his blade or what? Why did he cut <br />within inches of my oak trees?? I have pictures to prove it. That is my <br />question and I'm not saying Jeff is right or your right. Someone has to take <br />care of it. It is not my responsibility. Everything was fine, graded, and <br />approved until you came back and screwed up the whole back yard and took <br />away a lot of good soil. <br /> <br />Cliff - Gerry what are you going to be doing then for Lot 19? <br /> <br />Gerry - What are we going to be doing as far as achieving the 4 to 1 slope. <br />Does it show a retaining wall on there and does it show that were going to <br />have to encroach on his property in order to achieve it? I don't remember <br />Lot 19. <br /> <br />Steve - Why don't you come up and take a look at it Gerry. <br /> <br />Gerry - I just don't remember how were going to achieve it. Here's where <br />the house it going to sit. This lot and the guy that bought this lot is not <br />here, and he has seen this retaining wall so what we do here... we got a <br />. drainage easement going through here...that is all I remember. <br /> <br />Cliff - O.K. your showing a retaining wall here...this is silt fence...that <br />is a diversion dike, but this is a retaining wall. <br />